Dwelling Unit Rental Agreement Form - The Iowa State Bar Association Page 2


6- uTlLlTY RATES. Tenant hereby ackhowledges that Landlord, ot the person authorized
to enter inlo th'rs Renlal Agreemenl on
' Landlord's behalf, has heretqfore tully explained to Tenant the utility rates, charges
and services tor whlch Tenant will be required to pay,
other than those 1o be paid by Tenant direcfly to the u$lity company fumishing service.
$,hose address is
is lhe person designated by Landlord to manage lhe premises (and lo receive and teceipl
for alt notices and demands uDon the owner of
the premises).
(a) comply with the requirEmenls of applicable building and housing codes materia y atfecting
heatth and satety.
(b) Make all repairs and do whatelver is necessary to put and keep the
dwelling unil in a fit and habttabte condiiion.
KeeP all common areas of the ptemises in a clean and safe condltion, but Landlord shall not be liable tor
any injury caused
by any objecls or materials which belong to, or which may have been placed by, a tena
rn the common areas of the
premises used by Tenant_
(d) Mainlain in good and saie working order and condition all elecdricat, plumblng, sanitary,
heating, ventilatlng, atr-condi onlng,
and otherlacilities and appliances, includlng elevators, supplied or required to be supptied by
(e) P'ovlde and maintain apPrgpriate r€cePlades and conveniences, accessible
lo Tenart,lorlhe
central co{€clion and removal
gt ashes, garbage, rubbish, and other waste incidental
to the oc,cupanq/ of the dwe ing unit, and arrange for lheir removal.
Supply running water and reasonable amounts of hot water a1 all,times.and reasonable heat, exc€pt
where the buflding lh?t
ncJudes the dwelling unit is not required by law to be eqlripped tolthat pr-rrpose,
or rtr" ar,jrrins dnit is so constructei har
heat or hqt water is generated by an instaltation wiadn ihe exciusivi ciniroi
ano supplied by ,ii.iJ
single family tesidence, il is understood and agreed that Tenant sha perfo.m lhe Landtord's duties
specified in
Paragraphs (e) and (0 above, afld.shall atso make whatever repairs,-atterations ana
remJJ&"g, ;;j';rf"rm
wt atevli m-ii"t"ii..j!
lasks, as may be specjfied on an addendum, which shall be attached hereto, and signed bi
lhe p"-rilel.-
comply wilh all obliqations primarily imposed upon lenants by applicsble provisions of buitding am
housing codes malerialty
affecting heatth and safety.
Keep lhat part of the premises that Tenant occupies and uses as cJean and safe as the
condilion af lhe premises permit.
Dispose from lhe dwelling unit all ashes, rubbish. garbage and olher waste in a dean and
safe manner-
KeeP all Plumbing fxtutes in the dwelling unit or used by Tenant as clean as their condition permits.
use^in a reasonable m€nner-all electrical. plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, ait-conditioning
and other tacilities and
appliances. induding elevatofs in lhe premis;s.
Not deliberately'or negtigently destroy, deface, damage, impair or remove a part of the premises,
or knowingly permil a
person to do 5o.
(g) conduct himself or hersetf in a manner that will not disturb a neighbols peaoeful
enjoyment of the premises,
In addition' if lhe dwelling unit is other lhan a single family residence, Tenant shall pertorm
lhose repairs, maintenance tasks, alteratians
or temodeling as shall be specined]l-a__sjlal1:
wnting signec by-the parties and
o oy'"ieqJ"i"
.nd Landtord
shall not treat pertormanc,e of such separate agreemenGs i condition to an obligalion
or a performance of this Rental Agreement.
RuLES' All existino rules cbnceming lhe Tenant's use and oscupancy of ge premises
have been fumished to the Tenanl in
writing- Additionally, Landlord may, from tffi; i; irme-, ;;Jli
provided by law, adqpt turrher o, amended wntten rutes
crnceming the Tenanfs use and occupancy ofthe prcmises.
11' AccEss'
Landlord shall hav.e the right, subiecl lo Tenant's consent, whic}t mnsent shall not be unreasonabty
wilhheld, lo enter
the dv/elling unil in ofder to insped lhe premisis. rirate neceiiarv
agread repairs,-decorations, aireritrons or improvements, supply
necessary or sEreed services. or €xhibit th€ d\Yelling unit to p;ospective or ictual purchaseri,
mortgagees, lenants, workmen or
contraclors: provided, however, thal Landlord may dnrJr ini oweiiinjlvirnout re;;r;;;";;t,;-;;Jii
and as othcrwise
provided in the lovta Uniform Residential Landtord ana Tenant Aa-
12' ASSIGNMENT AND SUaLETTING' Tenant shall not assion lhis Rental Agreemenl,
nor sublet lhe dwelling unit, or any portion
thereol withoul the written consent qf Landtord.
13' FIXTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS- Tenant shatl leave upon, and suffender lo
Landlord, with the premises al the lermination of
lhis Rental Asreement. all locks. brackers for currains. and ar onie; dxr;;;s;td;;;
i *ooo*orr,, and a1 aleralions,
additions or improvements made by Tenani, wilhout any payment iherefore. rena"t
alterations witholt
Landlordb written cons€nt.
.lhe.d\r,relling unit or premises are damaged or destroyed by fire or olher casuatty to the e)itent
that eljoyment of the dwelling unit is.substantially lmiarreo. Tinant may (i) imme;iatety
vacatd the ;rernises end notify Landlord withrn
fourteen (14) davs of renant's intel-nio]1 19
lelmiriate itris Rlntat agreeri'#l
in *nict tisJltrii
terminate as of
the date of vacatins, or (ii) il conlinued. oc,crrpancy is rawrur" uucaiE onitl'h;ip;;
; th;_;;iii"ii-,iitii'
r""no"*o unusabre by the fre or
casualty, in which cse, Tenant's liabiliiy for ienl iharr ue iiou"eo' in pioponidn to iit. oiminuiioi in'ii.-L,r
,.nt"t vatue of the dr/ellino
unit lf thls Rental Ageement is terminited under lhe provisions ot th'is.
{aragraph, Lanotord sharr reiumi; i;;;;i;ii;r;;"';rni$;
security recoverable under the lolva uniform Resideniial Landlord anct reninthrr. A;;;u;f
the event of termination or
apportionment shali occur as of the date ofthe casualty,


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