Cover Letter Checklist


Cover Letter Checklist
The cover letter should be tailored to meet the job requirements.
Give the reader a strong impression of what your skills are and how you have
applied them. This can be accomplished by expanding on the key points listed
on your resume under your “Professional Experience” or “Highlights of
Qualifications” sections.
Focus on relevant information about the position. Include the knowledge you
have gained about the company’s products, services or mission in your cover
In the final paragraph, ask for an interview. For example, “I would welcome
the opportunity to meet with you at your convenience to discuss my
Your last paragraph should also include appropriate contact information so that
an employer can contact you for an interview. Include phone number, alternate
phone number and email address.
You letter should not be longer than one page in length, and the font size
should not be smaller than 11 points.
Check your letter for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Do not just
rely on spell checker as it will not pick out words spelled correctly that are
used in the incorrect context.
Highlight the positive aspects of your skills and experience. Discuss your
transferable skills and how you would be a valuable asset to the company


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