Instructions for Form LB-50
Notice of Property Tax and Certification of Intent to Impose
a Tax, Fee, Assessment or Charge on Property
Form LB-50 is used to certify and categorize the tax-
You may enter a dollar amount to be levied if the
ing district’s property tax and other charges to the
voters approved a fixed-dollar levy. The amount can
county assessor. Notice of tax is due to the county
not exceed the amount approved by the voters and
assessor by July 15, unless a written extension of
the budget committee.
time to certify has been granted.
Line 3. If you are certifying a local option levy for
capital projects [ORS 310.060(2)(c)], you may enter
General instructions
a dollar amount or rate in box 3. If you certify a rate,
enter the rate per $1,000 of assessed value. The rate
In the spaces at the top of this form, fill in:
entered may be up to the maximum rate approved
• The name of the county being sent the certification.
by the voters. The rate can not exceed the rate the
• The name of the taxing district and the name of
budget committee approved as a capital project lo-
the county where the district is located,
cal option rate for budget year 2001–02.
• The mailing address of the district, including city
You may enter a dollar amount to be levied if the
and ZIP code, and
voters approved a fixed-dollar levy. The amount can
• The name, title, and daytime telephone number
not exceed the amount approved by the voters and
of a budget contact person. This person should be
the budget committee.
someone who is available for contact after the
document is submitted to the assessor.
Line 4. Enter the amount being levied for 2001–02
to pay for “Gap Bonds” in box 4. Gap bonds are
Note: Oregon law (ORS 310.060) allows taxing dis-
certain bonds that were declared as such in 1997–
tricts (for good and sufficient reasons) to request in
98. If your district did not declare gap bonds in
writing an extension of time to certify taxes. The
1997–98, the district can not claim them this year.
written request for extension must be given to the
county assessor by July 15.
Line 5. Enter the amount being levied for 2001–02
to pay for qualifying pension and disability obliga-
Part I: Total property tax levy
tions in box 5. The City of Portland is the only enti-
ty that may use this line.
Line 1. You may enter an amount or rate in box 1.
If you certify a rate, enter the rate per $1,000 of as-
Line 6. Enter the dollar amount levied to pay for
sessed value to be used by the assessor in extend-
bond principal and interest not subject to the limi-
ing your taxes in 2001–02. The rate entered may be
tations of Measure 50 (section 11, Article XI), or
up to your maximum rate limit. If you are certifying
Measure 5 (section 11b, Article XI) in box 6. Bond
a rate, it can not exceed the rate the budget com-
levies are always a dollar amount.
mittee approved for budget year 2001–02, unless the
Lines 1–5 are categorized as being subject to the
budget was republished.
Measure 5 general government limitation. Line 6 is
Or you may enter the dollar amount to be raised by
categorized as not subject to Measure 5 limitation.
ad valorem property taxes for 2001–02. This amount
Check boxes. ORS 294.435 does not allow a dis-
can not exceed the amount your permanent rate will
trict to certify ad valorem property taxes at an
actually raise.
amount or rate greater than that approved by the
Line 2. If you are certifying a local option levy for
budget committee, unless an amended budget sum-
operations [ORS 310-060(2)(b)], you may enter a
mary is republished by the governing body and a
dollar amount or rate in box 2. If you certify a rate,
second budget hearing is held. One of these boxes
enter the rate per $1,000 of assessed value. The rate
must be checked. If the amount or rate being cer-
entered may be up to the maximum rate approved
tified is not greater than that approved by the bud-
by the voters. The rate can not exceed the rate the
get committee check that box. If the budget was
budget committee approved as the local option rate
republished, and the amount or rate is within the
for budget year 2001–02.
amount republished check that box.