ST-121 (3/00) (back)
If you have a valid Certificate of Authority , you may use
Item (l) — Use this line to claim exemption from all sales and use
Form ST-121 to purchase tangible personal property or services
taxes on qualified tangible personal property or services not
exempt from tax to the extent indicated in these instructions.
otherwise specified in this certificate. Describe the exempt use of
Complete all required entries on the front of the form and give it to
the tangible personal property or service being purchased, and
the seller.
identify the applicable section of the law.
You may use Form ST-121 as a blanket certificate covering the first
Misuse of this form
and subsequent purchases of the same general type of property or
Any person who intentionally issues a fraudulent exemption
service. However, each subsequent sales slip or purchase invoice
certificate will become liable for penalties and interest, in addition
(excluding utility bills) based on this blanket certificate must show
to the sales tax initially due. Some penalties that apply are:
the purchaser’s name, address, and Certificate of Authority
identification number.
— 100% of the tax due
Use Form ST-121.2, Certificate of Exemption for Purchases of
— $50 for each fraudulent exemption certificate issued
Promotional Materials , when making purchases of promotional
— A misdemeanor penalty (consisting of fines not to exceed
$10,000 for an individual or $20,000 for a corporation)
Part I — Manufacturing exemptions
In addition to the penalties imposed for misuse of an exemption
Item (a) — You may use this form to purchase, exempt from tax,
certificate and any other penalties imposed by the Tax Law that
machinery and equipment, including parts, tools, and supplies,
may apply, your New York State Certificate of Authority can be
used in the production process.
revoked for falsifying an exemption certificate. Once this
department has revoked your Certificate of Authority , you will be
Item (b) — You may use this form to purchase, exempt from tax,
prohibited from conducting any business in New York State for
fuel, gas, electricity, refrigeration, and steam for use or
which a Certificate of Authority is required.
consumption if it is used directly and exclusively in production for
sale. You must pay any state and local taxes due on any part of
To the seller
any fuel or utility services not used for an exempt purpose. (For
The purchaser must give you an exemption certificate with all
example, electricity purchased solely to light a factory must be
required entries completed no later than 90 days after delivery of
purchased tax paid, but electricity used for both operating exempt
the property or service sold, or the sale will be deemed to have
machinery and factory lighting may be purchased tax exempt. The
been taxable at the time of the transaction. If you receive a
tax due on the electricity for the lighting must be reported on your
certificate after the 90-day period, both you and the purchaser
sales and use tax return as Purchases Subject to Use Tax .)
assume the burden of proving the sale was exempt. Additional
Item (c) — Purchases of these services are exempt from all state
substantiation may be required.
and local sales and use taxes.
In addition, if you fail to collect tax as a result of accepting an
improperly completed exemption certificate, you become personally
Part II — Other exemptions
liable for the tax plus any penalty and interest charges due, unless
Purchases described in Part II are exempt from all state and local
the certificate is corrected within a reasonable period of time. You
sales and use taxes (including New York City).
must keep this exemption certificate for at least three years after
Item (g) — To qualify for the exemption, the equipment must be
the due date of the last return to which it relates, or the date the
purchased by an official inspection station, licensed by the
return was filed, if later. You must also maintain a method of
Department of Motor Vehicles, and the inspection station must be
associating an exempt sale made to a particular customer with the
authorized to conduct enhanced emissions inspections. (See
exemption certificate you have on file for that customer.
TSB-M-97(8)S for further information about enhanced emissions
inspection equipment.)
Privacy notification
The right of the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance and the Department of Taxation
Item (h) — Alternative fuel vehicle refueling property is defined as
and Finance to collect and maintain personal information, including mandatory
property predominately used either for (1) the storage or
disclosure of social security numbers in the manner required by tax regulations,
instructions, and forms, is found in Articles 8, 28, and 28-A of the Tax Law; and
dispensing of alcohol, natural gas, propane, or hydrogen into the
42 USC 405(c)(2)(C)(i).
fuel tank of an alternative fuel vehicle, or (2) the recharging of an
The Tax Department uses this information primarily to determine and administer sales
electric vehicle, where the storage, dispensing, or recharging takes
and use taxes or liabilities under the Tax Law, and for any other purpose authorized by
place at the point where the fuel is delivered into the fuel tank of
Failure to provide the required information may subject you to civil or criminal penalties,
the vehicle, or where the electric vehicle is recharged. Other
or both, under the Tax Law.
qualifications for the exemption for this property are that it is
This information is maintained by the Director of the Registration and Data Services
subject to an allowance for depreciation and that its original use
Bureau, NYS Tax Department, Building 8 Room 924, W A Harriman Campus, Albany
NY 12227; telephone 1 800 225-5829. From areas outside the U.S. and outside
begins with the purchaser.
Canada, call (518) 485-6800.
Item (i) — To qualify for the exemption, the commercial vessel
must be primarily engaged in interstate or foreign commerce. The
Need help?
exemption does not apply to property purchased for or used in the
original equipping of a new ship, or to the services of installing
Telephone assistance is available from 8:30 a.m. to 4:25 p.m. (eastern time),
Monday through Friday.
such property in the equipping of a new ship. (See TSB-M-96(14)S
Tax information: 1 800 972-1233
for further information concerning commercial vessels.)
Forms and publications: 1 800 462-8100
From outside the U.S. and outside Canada: (518) 485-6800
Fax-on-demand forms: 1 800 748-3676
Item (j) — To qualify for the exemption, the commercial aircraft
Internet access:
Hearing and speech impaired (telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) callers
must be primarily engaged in intrastate, interstate, or foreign
only): 1 800 634-2110 (8:30 a.m. to 4:25 p.m., eastern time)
commerce. (See TSB-M-96(14)S for further information concerning
Persons with disabilities: In compliance with the Americans with
commercial aircraft.)
Disabilities Act, we will ensure that our lobbies, offices, meeting rooms, and other
facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you have questions about special
Item (k) — To qualify for the exemption, the fishing vessel must be
accommodations for persons with disabilities, please call 1 800 225-5829.
used directly and predominantly in the harvesting of fish for sale.
If you need to write, address your letter to: NYS Tax Department,
(See TSB-M-85(17)S for further information concerning commercial
Taxpayer Assistance Bureau, Taxpayer Correspondence, W A Harriman Campus,
fishing vessels.)
Albany NY 12227.