Instructions For Form 1120-Ric - U.s. Income Tax Return For Regulated Investment Companies - 2003 Page 6


Penalty for late payment of tax. A fund that
If the fund has not received its EIN by the time
Line 5 –Excess of Net
does not pay the tax when due generally may
the return is due, write “Applied for” in the
Short-Term Capital Gain Over
be penalized
of 1% of the unpaid tax for
space for the EIN. See Pub. 583 for details.
Net Long-Term Capital Loss
each month or part of a month the tax is not
Note: The online application process is not yet
paid, up to a maximum of 25% of the unpaid
Enter the excess of net short-term capital gain
available for funds with addresses in foreign
tax. The penalty will not be imposed if the fund
over net long-term capital loss from Schedule
countries or Puerto Rico.
can show that the failure to pay on time was
D (Form 1120), line 12.
Item D – Total Assets
due to reasonable cause.
Note: Every sale or exchange of a capital
Enter the fund’s total assets (as determined by
Trust fund recovery penalty. This penalty
asset must be reported in detail on Schedule D
the accounting method regularly used in
may apply if certain income, social security,
(Form 1120), even though no gain or loss is
keeping the fund’s books and records) at the
and Medicare taxes that must be collected or
end of the tax year. If there are no assets at
withheld are not collected or withheld, or these
Line 7 –Other Income
the end of the tax year, enter the total assets
taxes are not paid. These taxes are generally
as of the beginning of the tax year.
reported on Forms 941 or 945 (see Other
Enter any other taxable income not reported on
Forms and Statements That May Be
lines 1 through 6, except net capital gain that is
Item E – Final Return, Name
Required on page 2). The trust fund recovery
reported in Part II. List the type and amount of
Change, Address Change, or
penalty may be imposed on all persons who
income on an attached schedule. If the fund
are determined by the IRS to have been
Amended Return
has only one item of other income, describe it
responsible for collecting, accounting for, and
in parentheses on line 7. Examples of other
If the fund ceases to exist, file Form
paying over these taxes, and who acted
income to report on line 7 include:
1120-RIC and check the “Final return” box.
willfully in not doing so. The penalty is equal to
Gross rents.
If the fund changed its name since it last
the unpaid trust fund tax. See the instructions
Recoveries of fees or expenses in
filed a return, check the box for “Name
for Pub. 15 (Circular E), Employer’s Tax
settlement or litigation.
change.” Generally, a fund also must have
Guide, for more details, including the definition
The amount of credit for alcohol used as fuel
amended its articles of incorporation and filed
of responsible person.
(determined without regard to the limitation
the amendment with the state in which it was
based on tax) entered on Form 6478, Credit
Other penalties. Other penalties can be
for Alcohol Used as Fuel.
imposed for negligence, substantial
If the fund has changed its address since it
Refunds of taxes deducted in prior years to
understatement of tax, and fraud. See sections
last filed a return, check the box for “Address
the extent they reduced income subject to tax
6662 and 6663.
in the year deducted (see section 111). Do not
If the fund is amending its return, check the
offset current year taxes against tax refunds.
box for “Amended return,” complete the entire
The amount of any deduction previously
return, correct the appropriate lines with the
Specific Instructions
taken under section 179A that is subject to
new information, and refigure the fund’s tax
recapture. The fund must recapture the benefit
liability. Attach a statement that explains the
of any allowable deduction for qualified
reason for the amendments and identifies the
Period Covered
clean-fuel vehicle property (or clean-fuel
lines being changed on the amended return.
vehicle refueling property) if the property, later,
File the 2003 return for calendar year 2003 and
Note: If a change in address occurs after the
ceases to qualify. See Regulations section
fiscal years that begin in 2003 and end in 2004.
return is filed, use Form 8822, Change of
1.179A-1 for details.
For a fiscal year return, fill in the tax year
Address, to notify the IRS of the new address.
Ordinary income from trade or business
space at the top of the form.
activities of a partnership (from Schedule K-1
Note: The 2003 Form 1120-RIC may also be
(Form 1065 or 1065-B)). Do not offset ordinary
used by the fund if:
Part I—Investment
losses against ordinary income. Instead,
The fund has a tax year of less than 12
include the losses on line 22, Form 1120-RIC.
Company Taxable Income
months that begins and ends in 2004 and
Show the partnership’s name, address, and
The 2004 Form 1120-RIC is not available at
EIN on a separate statement attached to this
the time the fund is required to file its return.
return. If the amount entered is from more than
The fund must show its 2004 tax year on the
one partnership, identify the amount from each
2003 Form 1120-RIC and take into account
Line 1 –Dividends
any tax law changes that are effective for tax
A fund that is the holder of record of any share
years beginning after December 31, 2003.
of stock on the record date for a dividend
payable on that stock must include the
Name and Address
Limitations on Deductions
dividend in gross income by the later of (a) the
date the share became an ex-dividend or (b)
Type or print the RIC’s true name (as set forth
Direct and indirect costs (including taxes)
the date the company acquired the share.
in the charter or other legal document creating
allocable to real or tangible personal
it) and address on the appropriate lines.
property constructed or improved by the
Line 2 –Interest
Include the suite, room, or other unit number
taxpayer. Such costs must be capitalized in
Enter taxable interest on U.S. obligations and
after the street address. If the Post Office does
accordance with section 263A.
on loans, notes, mortgages, bonds, bank
not deliver mail to the street address and the
Transactions between related taxpayers.
deposits, corporate bonds, tax refunds, etc.
fund has a P.O. box, show the box number
Generally, an accrual basis taxpayer may only
Do not offset interest expense against
deduct business expenses and interest owed
interest income.
to a related party in the year the payment is
Item B –Date Fund Was
Special rules apply to interest income from
included in the income of the related party. See
certain below-market-rate loans. See section
sections 163(e)(3), 163(j), and 267 for
7872 for more information.
limitations on deductions for unpaid interest
If this return is being filed for a series fund (as
and expenses.
described in section 851(g)(2)), enter the date
Line 3 –Net Foreign
Golden parachute payments. A portion of
the fund was created. Otherwise, enter the
Currency Gain or (Loss)
the payments made by a fund to key personnel
date the RIC was incorporated or organized.
From Section 988 Transactions
that exceeds their usual compensation may not
Item C –Employer
be deductible. This occurs when the fund has
Enter the net foreign currency gain or (loss)
an agreement (golden parachute) with these
Identification Number (EIN)
from section 988 transactions that is treated as
key employees to pay them these excessive
ordinary income or loss under section
Enter the fund’s EIN. If the fund does not have
amounts if control of the fund changes. See
988(a)(1)(A). Attach a schedule detailing each
an EIN, it must apply for one. An EIN may be
section 280G.
separate transaction.
applied for:
Business startup expenses. Business
Online — Click on the EIN link at
Line 4 –Payments With
startup expenses must be capitalized unless
The EIN is
Respect to Securities Loans
an election is made to amortize them over a
issued immediately once the application
period of 60 months. See section 195 and
information is validated.
Enter the amount received or accrued from a
Regulations section 1.195-1.
By telephone at 1-800-829-4933 from 7:30
broker as compensation for securities loaned
a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the fund’s local time zone.
by the fund to the broker for use in completing
Section 265(a)(3) limitation. If the fund paid
By mailing or faxing Form SS-4, Application
market transactions. The payments must meet
exempt-interest dividends during the tax year
for Employer Identification Number.
the requirements of section 512(a)(5).
(including those dividends deemed paid under


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