Form Tc 155 - Re Quest To Amend Ap Pli Ca Tion For Cor Rec Tion Page 2

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E. ¨ With draw ap pli ca tion. A with drawn ap pli ca tion is deemed to have been never filed; it can not sup port a pro ceed ing for ju di cial re -
view. If you were sent a no tice of du pli cate ap pli ca tions, you may sign and re turn that no tice to with draw your ap pli ca tion and clear the
other ap pli ca tion for re view; for this pur pose your with drawal must be re ceived by the Tax Com mis sion by the date speci fied in the no tice.
If the du pli cate no tice is un avail able or your with drawal is for an other pur pose, you may use this form. You may state the rea son for with -
drawal here.
F. ¨ Cor rect de fec tive ap pli ca tion. If you re ceived a no tice of de fec tive ap pli ca tion or were ad vised at the hear ing, com plete an
amended ap pli ca tion and sub mit it within the time speci fied in the no tice or within 20 days of the hear ing. If you re ceived a no tice, at tach a
Ad di tional ex pla na tions ___________________________________________________________________________________________
CER TI FI CA TIONS: 1. Re quired for all amend ments. 2. Re quired for amend ment A. 3. Re quired for amend ment B.
1. AP PLI CANT OR REP RE SEN TA TIVE. Print name of per son sign ing ________________________________________________
Signer is: ¨ Rep re sen ta tive named in origi nal ap pli ca tion
¨ The per son who signed the origi nal ap pli ca tion
¨ Pro posed new rep re sen ta tive
¨ Other. Ex plain and at tach proof of authori za tion: __________________________________
I cer tify that the statements given in this form are true, that any docu ments at tached are true cop ies and that the sig na tures in the cer ti fi ca -
tions on this form are duly exe cuted by the per sons named.
DATE _________________________ SIG NA TURE _________________________________________________________________
2. OUT GO ING REP RE SEN TA TIVE. Print name of per son sign ing ____________________________________________________
I am the per son named as rep re sen ta tive in the origi nal ap pli ca tion or a per son author ized to act for the rep re sen ta tive. I con sent to the pro -
posed change of rep re sen ta tive.
DATE _________________________ SIG NA TURE _________________________________________________________________
3. OUT GO ING AP PLI CANT. Print name of per son sign ing __________________________________________________________
Is this the same per son who signed the origi nal ap pli ca tion? (yes or no). ______ If no, ex plain rea son for change and sign er’s re la tion to
the ap pli cant. If an at tor ney or agent signs, at tach a writ ten authori za tion signed by the ap pli cant.
I am the origi nal ap pli cant, an of fi cer thereof, or an author ized agent. I con sent to the pro posed change of ap pli cant.
DATE _________________________ SIG NA TURE _________________________________________________________________
TC 155


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