Form 771 - Transfer On Death (Tod) Notice Application

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Form 771
November 2016
Oklahoma Tax Commission/Motor Vehicle Division
Transfer On Death (TOD) Notice Application
Effective November 1, 2016, the title of a motor vehicle that is not subject to any lien or other encumbrance may be
transferred in transfer-on-death form by filing with the Tax Commission a written notice of transfer signed by the trans-
feror (current record owner) and designating the transferee (owner upon death of transferor). Such notice shall trans-
fer ownership of the vehicle to the transferee upon the death of the transferor, by filing the applicable documentation.
A designation of the transferee may be revoked or changed at any time prior to the death of the transferor by filing an
amended notice with the Tax Commission. Refer to the reverse of this form for more detailed information.
Vehicle Information
(Required on All Applications)
Make: ______________________ Model: ___________________ Year: __________ Plate Number: ___________
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): ________________________________________________________________
Original Notice Application
Upon my death, I/we (record owners) hereby wish to transfer ownership of the motor vehicle referenced above to the
listed individual or individuals:
Record Owner(s) Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Record Owner(s) Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Transferee(s) Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Transferee(s) Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Amend/Revoke Notice Application
(Complete only if changing or revoking a previously filed TOD Notice)
I, ________________________________ (record owner) hereby wish to amend or revoke my Transfer On Death Notice
Application, filed on or about _______________ (date), for the above referenced vehicle, in the manner outlined below.
Choose one (1) of the following. If Amending the TOD, list the newly designated transferee where indicated below:
Revoke the Filing. I hereby cancel the TOD filing and do not wish to designate another Transferee at this time.
Amend the Filing. I hereby cancel the previously filed TOD and designate the following new Transferee:
New Transferee(s) Name: _______________________________________________________________________
New Transferee(s) Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Signature of Record Owner(s)
(Required on All Original/Amend/Revoke Notice Applications)
This application must be signed by the current record owner(s) of the vehicle. If multiple owners, each must sign.
Signature of Transferee is not required on the application.
Record Owner 1 Signature: ___________________________________________________
Record Owner 2 Signature: ___________________________________________________
Record Owner 3 Signature: ___________________________________________________
State of Oklahoma, County of: ________________________________________________________
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ____________ day of ___________________ , _________ .
My commission expires: ______________________ , _______________ .
Notary Seal
______________________________________________________________________ , Notary Public


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