Legal Aid Ontario - Contract For Legal Services/retainer Agreement Template Page 5


time they spend speaking with each other in person or on the telephone, the time we
spend preparing court documents and letters, the time we spend negotiating on your
behalf, and the time we spend at court.
The services that the Lawyer is allowed to help you with are set out in the Client’s LAO
certificate, as is the amount of time that Legal Aid will pay for services up to, but not
including a trial.
If the Client needs to take their matter to trial, the Lawyer must first give the Area
director of LAO an honest opinion as to your chance of success. The request may be
granted or not.
The Client is also aware that the Lawyer will provide additional information to Legal
Aid Ontario, as needed, to provide updates to Legal Aid Ontario regarding the client’s
circumstances and request additional authorizations to be added to the client’s Legal
Aid Certificate to assist the client with their case.
Limitation of Lawyer’s Responsibilities
: the Lawyer will perform the
specific legal tasks identified on the client’s Legal Aid Certificate consistent with the
Lawyer’s ethical and professional responsibilities, including observing strict
confidentiality, and based on the information available to the Lawyer. In providing
will not do the following
those services, the Client also agrees that the Lawyer
Sign papers on Client’s behalf in the absence of the client’s written instructions.
Shawyer Family Law Limited Retainer Agreement
Page 5


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