Form Rv-F1307701 - Tax Bond For Licensee For Sale Of Alcoholic Beverages For Consumption On The Premises

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Tennessee Department of Revenue
(SSN )
(Bond Number)
(Entity Legal Name)
(DBA Name)
(Location Address)
County of
, state of Tennessee, as principal, and
, a corporation organized under the laws of the
State of
, and duly admitted and/or authorized by
the Tennessee Commissioner of Insurance to transact surety insurance business in this state pursuant to
Chapter 2 or Chapter 20 of Title 56 of the Tennessee Code Annotated, as surety, acknowledge our indebtedness
to the state of Tennessee in the penal sum of _________________________________ Dollars ($_______________)
for the payment of which sum we hereby obligate and bind ourselves and our respective legal representatives
and successors, jointly and severally.
The conditions of the foregoing obligation are that:
Principal has applied to the Alcoholic Beverage Commission of the state of Tennessee for a
license to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises under the provisions of T.C.A., Section 57-4-
101, et. seq.
Pursuant to T.C.A. Section 57-4-302, and the rules promulgated pursuant thereto, a bond in the
amount of
Dollars ($
must be executed by principal and a solvent corporate surety approved by the Commissioner of Revenue, such
bond to be conditioned on the proper payment of all state taxes, penalty and interest connected with the sale of
alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises for which the principal may become liable.
If the principal shall properly pay all taxes, penalty and interest connected with the sale of alcoholic
beverages for consumption on the premises for which they may become liable during the effective period of this
obligation, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect.
This bond is executed pursuant to T.C.A. Section 57-4-101 et seq., and is intended to comply with all
requirements of such statue, and further, in accordance with the provisions and requirements of that statute, it is
expressly provided that:
Both the principal and surety under this bond shall be considered the taxpayers as to the State of
Tennessee with all rights, privileges, obligations and limitations pertaining to taxpayers under the laws of the
state of Tennessee.
The surety, upon the payment of any amount of the state of Tennessee pursuant to this bond,
shall not be subrogated to any rights of the state of Tennessee to collect taxes unless and until the entire liability
of the principal to the state of Tennessee has been paid including all taxes, penalty and interest assessed against
the principal.
The surety shall be liable to the State of Tennessee for any taxes, penalty and interest connected
with the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises accruing against the principal(s) during
the effective period of the bond which are not properly paid to the state of Tennessee, up to the maximum penal
amount of the bond, provided, however, that if the maximum penal amount of the bond is properly revised based
on the experience of the first three full months of the initial effective period of the bond, the revision shall relate
back to the beginning of the initial effective period of the bond, and the surety shall be liable for any taxes,
penalty and interest connected with the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises accruing
against the principal(s) since the beginning of the initial effective period of the bond, which are not properly paid
to the State of Tennessee, up to the revised maximum penal amount of the bond. Subsequent revisions of the
maximum penal amount shall be effective prospectively only from the effective date of the revision.
The effective date of this bond shall be
, 20
. This
bond is a continuous bond and shall continue in full force from the effective date of the bond through the period
that the principal is a licensee under T.C.A. Section 57-4-101 et seq., unless terminated or cancelled as
hereinafter provided.
Surety may cancel this bond and be relieved of further liability hereon by giving sixty (60) days
written notice to the Tennessee Department of Revenue, Taxpayer and Vehicle Services Division, Andrew
Jackson State Office Building, Nashville, Tennessee 37242; but such cancellation shall not affect any liability
incurred or accrued hereunder prior to the termination of the notice period.
The premium for which this bond is written is
). In witness whereof, the parties have executed this bond at
day of
; 20
Attorney in Fact


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