supporting attachments:
U or a Cst-200 schedule import spreadsheet.
indicate the applicable, required attachments included with
Claims over 25 items purchased require a Cst-200
the claim by marking the appropriate box.
schedule import spreadsheet and must be submitted to the
state tax Department electronically, on CD-rOm or other
sign and date the claim for refund or credit.
portable electronic media. the tax Department cannot
Completing Schedule S
accept compressed/zipped files.
Claims including 25 lines or less may use either schedule s
When completing schedule U, enter all information for each
or a Cst-200 schedule import spreadsheet.
column. if WV state tax, municipality tax, or municipality
name does not apply, those columns may be left blank. all
Claims over 25 lines require a Cst-200 schedule import
additional columns are required.
spreadsheet and must be submitted to the state tax
Department electronically, on CD-rOm or other portable
When amending use tax liability that results in a refund or
electronic media. the tax Department cannot accept
credit of use tax, schedule U must list all items purchased
compressed/zipped files.
for which use tax was accrued on the original return. this
must match the total dollar amount of purchases reported
When completing the schedule s, enter all information
on the original return. indicate the items being exempted
for each column. if WV state tax, municipality tax, or
on the amended return by entering “Yes” in column J. the
municipality name does not apply, those columns may be
items indicated with “Yes “must total the reduced amount
left blank. all additional columns are required.
of use tax liability and the amount requested for refund or
When amending sales tax liability that results in a refund
or credit of sales tax, schedule s must list all sales being
Column D, provide a brief description for each individual
omitted from the original return. List the original invoice
item that was purchased.
number and any corresponding credit memo/refund invoice
provide copies of all original invoices, credit
Column e, provide a brief explanation of how each individual
memos, and refund invoices applicable to the amended
item was specifically used in an exempt manner. Do not
return and request for refund or credit.
state statutory code.
When sales tax deductions are greater than gross sales on
provide copies of all original invoices detailing the purchase
the return, schedule s must list all sales being deducted
of all exempt items. invoices/receipts may be submitted
on the sales and use tax return. List the original invoice
via paper or electronically, on CD-rOm or other portable
number and any corresponding credit memo/refund invoice
electronic media. the tax Department cannot accept
number. provide copies of all original invoices and credit
compressed/zipped files.
memos applicable to the amended return and request for
mail the Claim for refund or Credit and all required
refund or credit.
information to:
Completing Schedule U
West Virginia state tax Department
pO Box 1826
schedule U requires a list of each individual item purchased.
Charleston, WV 25327-1826
if items were purchased on the same invoice, each item
For assistance or additional information visit
must be listed individually per line.
or call 1(800) 982-8297.
Claims including 25 items or less, may use either schedule
West Virginia state tax Department
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Cst-aF2 instructions – reV. 05-16