1. The entity is an eligible entity as defined in Regulations
If the corporation's principal
section 301.7701-3(a) (see Purpose of Form in the Form
Use the following
business, office, or agency is
8832 instructions).
address or fax number:
located in:
2. The entity intended to be classified as an S
corporation as of the date entered on line E of Form 2553.
Connecticut, Delaware,
3. Form 2553 will be filed within 3 years and 75 days of
District of Columbia, Florida,
the date entered on line E of Form 2553.
Indiana, Maine, Maryland,
Department of the Treasury
Massachusetts, New
Internal Revenue
4. The entity failed to qualify as a corporation solely
Hampshire, New Jersey, New
Service Center
because Form 8832 wasn’t timely filed under Regulations
York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Cincinnati, OH 45999
section 301.7701-3(c)(1)(i) (see When To File in the Form
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
Fax: (855) 270-4081
8832 instructions), or Form 8832 wasn’t deemed to have
South Carolina, Vermont,
been filed under Regulations section 301.7701-3(c)(1)(v)(C)
(see Who Must File in the Form 8832 instructions).
Virginia, West Virginia
5. The entity fails to qualify as an S corporation (see
Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky,
Department of the Treasury
Elect, earlier) on the effective date entered on line E of
Michigan, Tennessee, Wisconsin
Internal Revenue
Form 2553 because Form 2553 wasn’t filed by the due date
Service Center
When To Make the
Election, earlier).
Kansas City, MO 64999
6. The entity either:
Fax: (855) 887-7734
a. Timely filed all Forms 1120S consistent with its
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona,
requested classification as an S corporation, or
Arkansas, California, Colorado,
b. Didn’t file Form 1120S because the due date for the
Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas,
first year's Form 1120S hasn’t passed.
Department of the Treasury
Louisiana, Minnesota,
Internal Revenue
7. The entity has reasonable cause for its failure to timely
Mississippi, Missouri, Montana,
Service Center
file Form 2553 and has acted diligently to correct the mistake
Nebraska, Nevada, New
Ogden, UT 84201
upon discovery of its failure to timely file Form 2553.
Mexico, North Dakota,
Fax: (855) 214-7520
8. The S corporation can provide statements from all
Oklahoma, Oregon, South
shareholders who were shareholders during the period
Dakota, Texas, Utah,
between the date entered on line E of Form 2553 and the
Washington, Wyoming
date the completed Form 2553 is filed stating that they have
reported their income on all affected returns consistent with
the S corporation election for the year the election should
Acceptance or Nonacceptance of
have been made and all subsequent years. Completion of
Form 2553, Part I, column K, Shareholder's Consent
Statement (or similar document attached to Form 2553), will
The service center will notify the corporation if its election is
meet this requirement.
accepted and when it will take effect. The corporation will
To request relief for a late election when the above
also be notified if its election isn’t accepted. The corporation
requirements aren’t met, the entity generally must request a
should generally receive a determination on its election within
private letter ruling and pay a user fee in accordance with
60 days after it has filed Form 2553. If box Q1 in Part II is
Rev. Proc. 2017-1 (or its successor).
checked, the corporation will receive a ruling letter from the
IRS that either approves or denies the selected tax year.
Where To File
When box Q1 is checked, it will generally take an additional
Generally, send the original election (no photocopies) or fax it
90 days for the Form 2553 to be accepted.
to the Internal Revenue Service Center listed below. If the
Care should be exercised to ensure that the IRS receives
corporation files this election by fax, keep the original Form
the election. If the corporation isn’t notified of acceptance or
2553 with the corporation's permanent records. However,
nonacceptance of its election within 2 months of the date of
certain late elections can be filed attached to Form 1120S.
filing (date faxed or mailed), or within 5 months if box Q1 is
Relief for Late
Elections, earlier.
checked, take follow-up action by calling 1-800-829-4933.
To find the latest mailing address or fax number for
If the IRS questions whether Form 2553 was filed, an
filing Form 2553, go to IRS.gov and enter "Where to
acceptable proof of filing is:
file Form 2553" in the search box.
A certified or registered mail receipt (timely postmarked)
from the U.S. Postal Service, or its equivalent from a
Private delivery services. You can use certain private
designated private delivery service (see Notice 2016-30,
delivery services (PDS) designated by the IRS to file this
2016-18 I.R.B. 676, available at
election. Go to
for the current list of designated
(or its successor));
Form 2553 with an accepted stamp;
The PDS can tell you how to get written proof of the
Form 2553 with a stamped IRS received date; or
mailing date.
An IRS letter stating that Form 2553 has been accepted.
For the IRS mailing address to use if you’re using PDS, go