Form M4x - Amended Franchise Tax Return/claim For Refund - 2017 Page 6

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2017 Form M4X Instructions
For additional information, refer to the 2017 forms and instructions.
Federal Return Adjustments
Use of Information
Lines 7–24
Refer to the 2016 Corporation Franchise Tax
All information provided on this form is
If you amend your federal tax return or if
private, except for your Minnesota Tax ID
Return (Form M4) instructions for details.
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) makes
number, which is public. Private informa-
an adjustment to your federal return, you
Lines 7, 8, 22, 23, and 24. If you are
tion cannot be given to others except as
must notify us within 180 days. Failure
changing any amounts on lines 22, 23, and/
provided by state law.
to report federal changes on an amended
or 24, you must attach a corrected copy of
return, Form M4X, within 180 days will
Lines 1-25,
the appropriate schedule.
result in a penalty of 10 percent of any ad-
Columns A, B and C
Lines 14, 15 and 20. Changes to your regu-
ditional tax due. See line 32 instructions.
Column A: Enter the amounts shown on
lar franchise tax on line 11 and/or alterna-
Attach a copy of your amended federal
your original return or as later adjusted
tive minimum tax on line 12 may also affect
return or notice of adjustment to your
by an amended return or audit report (see
the amount you are able to claim of any
Form M4X.
Where to Find Amounts From 2017 Return
credits against tax (alternative minimum tax
credit, research credit and employer transit
pass credit).
Column B: For each line you are changing,
Use the 2017 Form M4X to make a claim
enter the dollar amount of each change as
Line 26
for refund and report changes to your Min-
an increase or decrease. Show all decreases
nesota liability for tax year 2017. If you
Enter the total of the following tax amounts,
in parentheses. On page 3 of Form M4X,
make a claim for a refund and we do not
whether or not paid:
explain the changes in detail. If the changes
act on it within six months of the date filed,
• amount from line 11 of your original M4;
involve items requiring supporting informa-
you may bring an action in the district or
tion (by corporation return or instructions),
• amount due of a previously filed Form
tax court.
attach the appropriate schedule, statement
M4X (which is line 33 of the 2017 Form
or form to Form M4X to verify the cor-
M4X); and
When to File
rected amount.
• additional tax due as the result of an audit
File Form M4X only after you have
Column C: Add column B increases to
or notice of change.
filed your original return. You may file
column A, or subtract column B decreases
Form M4X within 3½ years after the return
Do not include any amounts that were paid
from column A, and enter the result in
was due or within one year from the date of
for penalty, interest or underpayment of
column C. If there are no changes, enter the
an order assessing tax, whichever is later. If
estimated tax.
amount from column A.
you filed your original return under an ex-
Line 28
tension by the extended due date, you have
Line 1
up to 3½ years from the extended due date
Enter the total of the following refund
Enter the amount of Minnesota net income
to file the amended return, Form M4X.
or loss before apportionment. For col-
umn C, enter the corrected amount from
• overpayment from line 16 of your origi-
Filing Reminders
Form M4X, page 5, line 7.
nal M4, even if you have not yet received
The amended return must be signed by a
person authorized by the corporation.
Line 6
• refund amount of a previously filed Form
Enter Minnesota nonapportionable income
If you pay someone to prepare your
M4X (which is line 36 of the 2017 Form
as a negative. Example: ($100). Enter Min-
return, the preparer must sign and enter his
M4X); and
nesota nonapportionable loss as a positive.
or her PTIN number and daytime phone.
• refund or reduction in tax from a protest
Example: $100.
Rounding is required. You must round
or other type of audit adjustment.
Where to Find Amounts
amounts to the nearest dollar. Drop any
Include any amount that was credited to
amount less than 50 cents and increase any
From 2017 Return
estimated tax, applied to pay past due taxes
amount that is 50 cents or more to the next
or donated to the Minnesota Nongame
higher dollar.
Wildlife Fund.
Do not include any interest that may have
Completing the Form
1 . . . M4I, line 7
14 . . . M4T, line 13
been included in the refunds you received.
Enter your tax year beginning and ending
2 . . . M4I, line 8
15 . . . M4T, line 15
dates at the top of the form. On page 3 of
Lines 31 and 36
4 . . . M4A, line 9
18 . . . M4T, line 17
Form M4X, include a detailed explanation
6 . . . M4T, line 4
20 . . . M4T, line 19
Lines 31 and 36 should reflect the changes to
of why the original return was incorrect.
7 . . . M4T, line 6
22 . . . M4, line 4
your tax and/or credits as reported on lines 1
Providing this information will help us to
8 . . . M4T, line 8b
23 . . . M4, line 5
through 24 of Form M4X. If you have unpaid
verify the amended amounts.
12 . . . M4T, line 11
24 . . . M4, line 6
taxes on your original Form M4, Form M4X
is not intended to show your corrected bal-
Estimated payments and refunds credit-
ance due.
ed to subsequent years cannot be amended.


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