Independent Contractor Acknowledgement Agreement (Non-Employee Compensation Contract)


(Non-Employee Compensation Contract)
This agreement, made this _______ day of ________, 20___, by and between
_________________________, Contractor (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”) and
_________________________ Client (hereinafter referred to as Client) for services to be
rendered at: ________________________________________________
It is understood that as an Independent Contractor _____________________________ is
solely responsible to pay all employment taxes, including Federal and State withholding taxes,
Social Security, and obtain insurance, including worker’s compensation coverage and public
liability insurance rising out of the or relating to this Agreement. As such, the Contractor
herewith agrees to sole and complete liability for any injury to self or Contractor’s worker’s.
Contractor warrants that upon signing of this agreement that Contractor has obtained all stated
and necessary insurance and that it will be kept in full force and effect until the completion of the
work contracted herein. As such, Contractor herewith agrees to sole and complete liability for
any injury to self or contractors workers.
As such, Contractor herewith agrees not to hold anyone else responsible for any claims or
liabilities that may arise from this work or from any cause related to this work. Contractor
herewith agrees to waive any rights that the Contractor has or may have to hold anyone liable
for any reason as a result of this work.
Date _______________________
Independent Contractor
Tax Identity Number
Date _______________________


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