Petition For Relief Under The Post Conviction Remedies Act Page 5


[ ] Yes
[ ] No
If your answer is “yes,” provide the following information:
Name of Court: _________________________________________
Case number: ____________________________
Date of result or citation of opinion: _________________________
Grounds raised:
Other than the case described in question 12, have you filed any further
petitions, applications or motions with respect to this conviction or
sentence in any court, state or federal?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
If your answer is “yes,” provide the following information:
Name of Court: _________________________________________
Case number: ____________________________
Date of result or citation of opinion: _________________________
Grounds raised:
Petition for Relief Under the Post-Conviction
2009 / Reformatted 11/2015
Page 5 of 10
Remedies Act


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