Agent shall investigate and promptly furnish to Owner full written reports of all accidents,
claims, and potential claims for damages relating to the Property, and shall cooperate fully with
Owner's insurers, regardless of whether the insurance was arranged by Agent or others.
Agent shall furnish whatever readily available information is requested by Owner for the
purpose of obtaining insurance coverage, and shall aid and cooperate in every reasonable way
with respect to such insurance and any loss.
To the extent permitted by law, Agent agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless teh
Owner from and against all claims, investigations, and suits with respect to (i) any alleged or
actual violation of state or federal labor, discrimination or other laws pertaining to agent’s
employees, it being expressly agreed and understood that as between Owner and Agent, all
persons employed in connection with the Property are employees of Agent, not Owner; or (ii)
Agent's breach of this Agreement or its negligence or misconduct.
To the extent permitted by law, Owner agrees to defend, indemnify, and save harmless Agent
from and against all claims, investigations and suits in connection with the Property, provided
that such claims, investigations and suits are attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or
death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property, and such claims and suits arise, or are
alleged to arise, in whole or in part out of any negligent act or omission of Owner, its officers,
employees, or agents. Owner agrees to include Agent as an additional insured in Owner's
public liability policy with respect to the Property, but only while Agent is acting as real estate
manager for Owner under this Agreement. Owner shall provide Agent with a certificate of
insurance evidencing such liability insurance and providing not less than ten days' notice to
Agent prior to cancellation.
The indemnity obligations contained in this Agreement shall survive the termination of this
Article 7: Owner's Right to Audit
Owner reserves the right to conduct or to appoint others to conduct examinations, at Owner's expense,
without notification, of the books and records maintained for Owner by Agent and to perform any and all
additional audit tests relating to Agent's activities hereunder.
Should Owner's employees or appointees discover either weaknesses in internal control or errors in
record keeping, Agent shall correct such discrepancies either upon discovery or within a reasonable period of
time. Agent shall inform Owner in writing of the action taken to correct such audit discrepancies.
Article 8: Remittance of Funds
Agent shall deposit immediately upon receipt all Gross Collections in a bank account approved by
Agent shall deposit immediately upon receipt all Tenant Deposits in a separate bank account approved
by Owner that is separate from all other accounts and funds. Interest on Tenant Deposits shall be paid