Adult Day Care Resource Manual for the USDA CACFP
Step 7:
Calculate the cost of the menu.
The cost of the menu includes:
The cost of the food
The cost of the labor
The cost of the utilities used to prepare the food
Sample menu writing worksheets are provided in appendix 6.
Menus may include foods made from “scratch” or commercially prepared main or side dishes.
Records must be kept of commercially prepared or processed foods to
document the contribution of each menu item to the CACFP meal pattern.
One of the following is required to document the contribution of commercially prepared or processed
foods to the CACFP meal pattern:
Child Nutrition (CN) label
The CN label on a food product shows how the product contributes toward food-based
meal pattern requirements.
See appendix 7 for more information about CN labeling and CN label application
A statement from the manufacturer documenting the product, food components, and amounts
that are credited to that product
Manufacturers must use the Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs (USDA/
FNS, 2001) to determine the yield of food components.
Check with your State Agency or funding authority source for specific information that
needs to be provided by the manufacturer.
Menu Evaluation
Menus may include foods
made from “scratch” or
It is important to evaluate a menu before it is used.
commercially prepared main
Set up a menu committee that will be responsible
or side dishes.
for evaluating the menu.
Ask key employees, a registered dietitian,
participants, and caregivers to serve on this
menu committee.
Schedule a time for the committee to meet and
evaluate the menu.
Have the committee use the menu evaluation
checklist in appendix 8.
National Food Service Management Institute