Put Your Full Name in Here
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Resume template
[Title: Resume]
Full name
Contact details
Contact telephone number:
(area code) number
Mobile telephone number:
full number
Email address:
full address, case sensitive
Postal address:
Street number
City STATE Postcode
Career objective
[Give a short summary of the kind of work that you would like do and the
skills you would like to develop. Try to think of this job as part of a career
you would like to do for the next five to ten years]
Employment history
[You might list all the jobs or voluntary work you have done. Or you might
just put down the jobs that will be most relevant to the places you are
applying for. List each job by the year you started and the year you ended
work there. Start with the most recent job you have held]
[month year-month year]
[Name of the store]
[Indicate if it was work experience]
[month year-month year]
[Name of the store]
[Indicate if it was work experience]