Ions Worksheet Page 2


8. Could a +3 ion of aluminum be made by adding three protons to an aluminum atom? Explain.
9. One of your classmates is having trouble understanding ions. He explains the formation of a cation like this:
“When you add an electron, you get a positive charge because adding is positive in math.”
a. As a group, explain in complete sentences, why this student is incorrect.
b. Provide a better description of how math relates to electrons and ion formation.
Model 2 – Ion Charges for Selected Elements
10. Draw a stair-step line in Model 2 to separate the metals and nonmetals.
11. Consider the ions listed in Model 2.
a. In general, do nonmetals form anions or cations? ________________________________
b. In general, do metals form anions or cations? ______________________________
c. Which nonmetal appears to be an exception to these guidelines? ________________________
Extension Questions
12. Name the family of elements that make 1- anions as shown in Model 2. _____________________________________
13. Name the family of elements that make 2+ anions as shown in Model 2. _____________________________________
14. For the main group elements (excluding the transition elements), is it necessary to memorize the type of ion each element
makes or could you predict the ion charge using a periodic table? Explain.
15. In Model 2, there are several elements whose atoms make more than one type of ion. Where in the periodic table are
these elements usually found? _____________________________________________________________________


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