Appeal of BML Inc./Bayview Mortuary
authority supporting that such a transformation can occur. While appellant refers to
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 162(k) and its exceptions in its appeal, it does not
appear that appellant contends that that section applies here. At protest, appellant
specifically denied that IRC section 162 applied in this matter, where appellant is
attempting to include the entire amount it spent to reacquire its treasury stock in its
calculation of basis and gain, and is not attempting to simply deduct its costs associated
with that reacquisition.
Respondent contends that appellant may not recognize gain or loss from
the sale or exchange of its treasury stock pursuant to the provisions of Revenue and
Taxation Code (R&TC) section 24942, subdivision (a). In addition, respondent contends
that, where a corporation acquires property (including treasury stock) as a contribution
to capital, and the property is not contributed by a shareholder, then the basis of the
property is zero, pursuant to IRC section 362(c)(1) (which R&TC section 24451
incorporates into California law). Respondent notes that it appears appellant may
contend that the stock reacquisition expense exception to IRC section 162 (see
discussion, infra) applies here. However, respondent further notes that appellant did
not attempt to deduct any expenses with respect to its costs to repurchase the treasury
stock (at the time of the purchase in 1993 or 1994). In addition, appellant did not claim
any loan expenses over the life of the loan at any time up to, and including, the appeal
year. Respondent also asserts that appellant does not provide any authority for the
contention that, upon termination of the corporation, the treasury stock should be
transformed from a capital account into an asset because appellant reacquired the
treasury stock. Even if this were so, respondent asserts that R&TC section 24343
(adopting IRC section 162) nevertheless assigns treasury stock a zero basis and
precludes the recognition of gain or loss on the disposition of the treasury stock.
Respondent’s determination is presumed correct and appellant bears the burden
of proving that it is erroneous. (Todd v. McColgan (1949) 89 Cal.App.2d 509.) R&TC section
24942, subdivision (a), provides that no gain or loss shall be recognized to a corporation on the
receipt of money or other property in exchange for stock (including treasury stock) in that
corporation. IRC section 362(c)(1) (adopted by Rev. & Tax. Code, § 24451) also provides that,
where a corporation acquires property other than money as a contribution to capital, and the
property is not contributed by a shareholder, then the basis of the property is zero. Thus,
As discussed herein, IRC section 162(k) provides that no deduction shall be allowed for any amount paid
or incurred by a corporation to reacquire its stock, with certain exceptions as provided in IRC section