Form 74
Securities in the possession, custody, or control of a bank,
E. Insurance
trust company, brokerage firm, corporation or other
List the total value of insurance policies on decedent's life
institution located in Arizona should be listed under the
which were owned by the decedent.
name of the bank, trust company, brokerage firm or
institution. Also provide the account number under which
Instructions Before Filing
the securities are held.
Be sure to attach a copy of the death certificate.
D. Other Assets
If listing real estate, be sure that legal description is
List motor vehicles, household furnishings, and other
complete or attach a copy of the deed showing the
personal property such as boats, motor homes, trailers,
property's legal description.
jewelry, and the fair market value of each at the date of death.
Be sure that all applicable sections of Form 74 are