Sample Hardship Letter


You will only need a one page letter to explain your hardship addressed to your Lender.
The letter should include all of the information requested below:
- Your name
- Your property address along with your mailing address if different.
- Name of lender and department.
- Your loan number
- Your phone number and best time to reach you.
Describe your hardship:
What happened and when?
For example: I lost my job with ABC Manufactures in July, 2008 and have been unemployed until August,
2008. I am currently working for a new company and will be receiving my first check September, 2008.
Describe your current goal:
For example: I was able to afford the home when we first purchased it, but since the payment increased
due to my adjustable rate mortgage we have not been able to keep up. Our goal is to keep the home
and we would like any assistance available.
Please make sure you sign, date and print your name on the hardship letter.
Call me if you have any questions.
Cindy Pendergast - extension 46


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