Sample Hardship Letter Page 2


Sample Hardship Letter
Lender Name
Loan Number
To Whom it may Concern,
I am writing to explain the unfortunate set of circumstances that has caused
me to become delinquent on my mortgage payments. My goal is to keep my
home and I truly hope you would consider working with me.
My hardship began in 2010 when I became unemployed. This loss in income,
combined with a steady increase in expenses, has caused our budget to be
stretched thin. Over the recent years we've tried everything to make ends
meet including borrowing from my 401K. My husband works overtime
whenever possible and now we have even depleted our savings to try and
stay current with our monthly financial obligations. It has become clear to
us that we need a long-term solution to avoid going into default.
We feel that a loan modification would help us. Our income is steady but it is
just not enough and we would really appreciate if you can work with us to
lower our principal and interest so we can keep our home.


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