Final paragraph
The final paragraph is a conclusion wrapping up what you have conveyed to the reader and
informing the reader how you will contact the reader and/or provide more information if needed.
Add the word “Enclosures” below your signature to alert the reader to look for accompanying
material. Common enclosures are resumes, images, artist’s statement, artist’s biography, self-
addressed stamped envelope, etc.
Always check your grammar and spelling before sending out your letters.
Cover Letters in the Digital Age
When sending a resume via email then the email itself is the cover letter and while the basic
structure is still applicable there is no reason to create headings. Also, since the email is the
cover letter there is no reason to attach a separate letter.
All artists/designers NEED to have a web site in the Digital Age. Your cover letter should direct
the reader to your web site so that your work can be viewed, whether sending a traditional letter
or an email.
Instead of having a cover letter on your web site, your artist statement, bio, etc. can serve much
the same purpose educating the reader about you, your work and your employability.
While some people still put out calls for art and wish to see slides, this form of submission is
rapidly disappearing and digital representation of work is paramount.