Reducing Physical Tension Worksheet Template Page 6


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASSERT YOURSELF!
and sit up straight again. Repeat. Now tighten your buttocks by pulling them together. You
should rise in the chair slightly. Hold and then relax. Repeat.
Now move your attention to your legs. Tense your thighs by pressing your heels into the
floor as hard as you can. Hold and then relax. Repeat. Tense your calves by lifting your toes
towards your shin. Hold and then relax. Repeat. Tense your feet by curling your toes into
the floor. Hold and then relax. Repeat.
When you have finished it is a good idea to stay sitting for a few minutes to really appreciate
the sensation of relaxation. Try not to stand up too quickly as you may tense up again. Also
your blood pressure drops when you relax, so if you stand up too quickly you may get dizzy.
Mini Relaxation 1
The more you practise the full PMR the more you will get to know the areas in your body
that become tense. However, you won’t always have 15 to 20 minutes to practice the
whole exercise. In this case you can modify the exercise by just choosing the muscle groups
that you know are tense and relaxing these.
Mini Relaxation 2
Alternatively you could try this mini-relaxation exercise:
1. Stand up.
2. Lips closed, jaw relaxed, breathe slow and low down in your stomach
3. Breathe in for 2 seconds and out for 3 seconds. Be aware of your breathing for the
whole exercise and keep it slow and deep.
4. Cross one of your legs over the other leg, keeping your feet firmly planted on the
ground. Try to place your feet even with each other.
5. Put both your hands behind your back and grasp your hands. Now twist your hands
so that your palms are now facing the floor.
6. Keeping your hands together and your arms straight, gently raise your arms toward
your head.
7. Notice the increase in tension in ALL of your different muscles. Hold all this for a
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Module 5: Reducing Physical Tension
Page 6
• Psychotherapy • Research • Training


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