Long-Term Substitute Teacher
Job Description
General Description
Job Summary:
The Substitute Teacher will fill a maternity leave during the months of April and May for
junior high classes. The classes taught by this position include 6
Bible, 6
Math, Pre-
Algebra, Algebra 1, and Earth Science 7/8. The Substitute Teacher shall prayerfully help
students learn attitudes, skills, and the aforementioned subject matter that will contribute
to their development as mature, able, and responsible Christians to the
praise and glory of God.
Hired by:
The Head of School and The Board of Directors, Linn Christian Education Association
Responsible to:
The Head of School
The students assigned to his or her care
by the Head of School
Type of Position:
This employee is paid a daily substitute teacher rate.
Required Spiritual Qualities
It is expected that the teacher will...
Acknowledge Christ as Savior and seek to live life as His disciple
Believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative, inerrant Word of God—our standard
for faith and practice.
Believe and actively support the school's statement of faith.
Demonstrate a desire for spiritual growth as evidenced by his or her prayer life, Bible study, and spiritual
outreach to others.
Be a Christian role model in attitude, speech, and actions toward others (Luke 6:40). This includes
being committed to God's biblical standards for sexual conduct.
Evidence the fruit of the Spirit in dealing with people.
Have a conviction that God has called him or her to work at a Christian school.
Have a Christ-centered home.
Actively participate in a local Bible-believing church.
Required Professional Qualities
It is expected that the teacher will...
Hold a valid State of Iowa teaching license (Substitute or Standard).
Possess evidence of other adequate preparation, background, or experience as determined by the Head
of School.