Journaling to Achieve
Your Weight Loss Goals
Journaling is a powerful tool to help open your eyes to your life responses, rebuild your
self-esteem and self-confidence, and learn to trust your judgement.
Journaling can help
you process uncomfortable situations or difficult emotions, and understand the ways you
may be sabotaging your weight loss.
Group Work #2
Answer each question.
What would my life be like if I reached my goal weight?
What is most appealing about this? What’s least?
A notebook and pen, or your computer. Your journal should
What do I feel in my body?
be private, so you feel safe!
To Get Started:
Journal for 10 minutes, at the same time and in
the same place, every other day.
Journal contrary to your nature. If you’re a
Is there a rebel part of me that doesn’t like to be told what to
structured person, be spontaneous and vice versa. Journal
do and how to eat?
for 10 minutes every day.
Group Work #1
What do I tell myself when I’ve fulfilled the food needs of
my body?
Journal Ideas
Dream Journal - How do you feel about your dreams?
Gratitude Journal - 5 things you’re grateful for each day.
Accountability Journal - How are you accountable for your
actions that day?
How do you nurture yourself? How can you start? Are
there regrets in your life? What fears do you have regarding
When Journaling, ask yourself the Five Ws:
losing weight? How do you deal with friends and family that
Who, What, Where, Why, and When
don’t support you?
What does this remind me of? How do I deal with this
feeling? What fear does this bring up?
Dr. Alexandra Gellman H.D., R.B.C. Motivational Weight Loss Coach