Sample Cover Letter – Social Work
DO NOT COPY: You are advised not to copy this sample, but to use
Selma Socialworker
it to generate ideas to create your own examples.
12/34 Dandelion Road
Brunswick, Vic. 3056
0426 787 190
March 2015
Recruitment Manager
Golden Valley Health
43 Main Road
Golden Valley, Vic. 3987
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please accept my application for the position of Social Worker, Acute and Non Admitted, Reference number
NSS09, as advertised on Monash University Career Gateway on March 12, 2015. In support of my
application I have attached a copy of my resume and details of three referees as requested.
Having recently completed a Bachelor of Social Work at Monash University I meet the eligibility criteria for
membership to the Australian Association of Social Workers and gained a sound knowledge of social work
theory in relation to crisis intervention and family work. Practical placements as part of my course at Red
Cross, Western Health and Dandenong Hospital developed my knowledge further, provided insights into the
range of client needs and an understanding of caseload prioritisation in a high demand environment.
In my roles as a social work, secondary teacher and school counsellor I have applied counselling skills to assist
people from diverse backgrounds and across a range of age groups, including adolescents and the aged. My
counselling skills include the ability to maintain strict confidentiality at all times and record case notes in
accordance with statutory requirements. When I responded to a wide variety of social assistance needs, I
demonstrated my skills in problem solving, assessment, negotiation and advocacy and have been able to build
effective working relationships with other community organisations and staff.
A mature and professional outlook enables me to complete independent tasks responsibly and contribute
successfully to team activities. Effective self-management skills such as planning to meet commitments
between academic, employment, community work and family life is evidence of my ability to organise and meet
timelines as required. I also have a current Victorian Drivers Licence and meet satisfactory police checks.
Thank you for considering my application and I look forward to the opportunity to meet at interview. I can
be contacted for more information on mobile 0426 787 190.
Yours faithfully,
Selma Socialworker