Teacher Info Sheet Page 2


previous serious illness, injuries and hospitalizations during the past 12 months, any
medication prescribed for long-term continuous use, and any other information which
caregiver’s should be aware of: ______________________________________________
Does your child have any emotional fears? _______ If so, what and how do you deal with
them at home? ___________________________________________________________
Do you, as the parent, have any special interests or hobbies that you would be willing to
share with our class? ______________________________________________________
Would you be willing to assist with any special projects or field trips for our class?_____
If so, is there a specific day or time you will be available?_________________________
Please share with us any cultural diversities practiced in your home so we may apply them
to the classroom when possible.__________________________________________
Please take some time and tell us about your child’s personality, likes~dislikes, etc. The
more you are able to share with us, the easier it will be for us to help your child adjust to
his/her new surroundings.


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