English Grammar Worksheet - Improving A Paragraph Page 2


Improving a Paragraph
Rewrite the paragraph below making changes as necessary to improve the wording and/or flow.
Day 3
- Would you rather be 10 feet tall or 1 foot tall?
I would rather be really big! If I were really small someone could step on me or I could be attacked by normal sized
animals! If I were big I could do all kinds of things a whole lot easier! Like getting on the roof of my house or playing
basketball! Of course I’d have to buy all new clothes, but being that tall would definitely be worth it!
Suggestions: Reiterate, adding detail, adding examples
Day 4 -
The largest omelette.
Have you ever woked up and wanted an omelette? Well if you were in Turkey on ‘World Egg Day’ you would have
more than you could stomach. That’s because chefs cooked an omlet weighing 2,000 pounds! WOW! They created it
to break the world record! An omlette the size of a garage? Wow what a sight to see!
Suggestions: Reiterate, tying thoughts together, adding examples
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