Application for Research and Development
Tax Year
Form RDC
Expenses Tax Credit
For Taxable Years Beginning On and After January 1, 2016
Submit this form and supporting documentation by July 1.
This credit must be approved before being claimed on your return. See the instructions for details.
Taxpayer Information
Trading As
Fiscal Year Filer _______________ to _______________
Street Address
Contact Name
City, State, ZIP Code
Phone Number
Fax Number
NAICS Description
To compute your credit using the primary credit computation, complete Lines 1-7 of Section 1. Enter all Virginia qualified research and
development amounts in Column A. If any portion of Virginia qualified research and development was conducted in conjunction with
a Virginia public college or university, enter those amounts in Column B. Amounts reported on Lines 1-4 of Column A must include any
expenses reported on Lines 1-4 of Column B. If electing the alternative simplified method of computing the credit, skip to Section 2. All
applicants must complete Section 3.
Column A
Column B
Section 1 - Primary Credit Calculation
All Qualified Research and
College and University
Development Amounts
Related Research and
Round to the nearest whole dollar.
Development Amounts
Virginia Qualified Research and Development Expenses. Enter
amount paid or incurred during the calendar year. (See Schedule A,
Section 1, Columns C and D).
College and University Expenses Percentage. If expenses were incurred
in conjunction with a Virginia college or university, divide the amount on
Line 1, Column B by the amount on Line 1, Column A. Enter in Column B.
Virginia Base Amount for the Taxable Year. Enter the amount from
Schedule B, Line 4a in Column A.
College and University Base Amount. If expenses were incurred in
conjunction with a Virginia college or university, multiply the amount in
Column A by the percentage on Line 2 and enter in Column B.
Adjusted Expenses Amount. Subtract Line 3 from Line 1.
Total Eligible Research Expenses. Enter in Column A the lesser of
$300,000 or the amount from Line 4, Column A.
Eligible College and University Research Expenses. Enter in Column
B the lesser of $300,000 or the amount from Line 4, Column B.
Credit Computation. Multiply Line 5, Column A by 15% (0.15) and enter in
Column A. Multiply Line 5, Column B by 20% (0.2) and enter in Column B.
Credit Requested. Enter the greater of Line 6, Column A (not to exceed $45,000) or Column B (not
to exceed $60,000).
Va. Dept. of Taxation 3101050
Rev. 11/16
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