Recommended Thank You Letter Template
for College of Business Undergraduates
Local Address, City, State Zip Code
Phone Number Email Address
(Optional: Your LinkedIn Profile page)
Interviewer’s name
Company name
Company Street Address
City, State Zipcode
Dear (Mr. or Ms.)
Thank the interviewer for meeting you. Don’t forget to mention the interview date and job title.
Make sure to express your interest in the company and the position you applied for.
List a few topics you talked about and you were particularly interested in or something that
makes you stand out from the rest of the applicants, like one of your skills. Indicate reasons why
you think you are qualified for the job, based on things talked about in the interview. State what
the company will gain from hiring you.
Here is your chance to mention anything you forgot to say during the interview. However, do not
tell them that you forgot it! Write it as if you would like to emphasize a point discussed during
the interview.
Wrap it up at this point. Thank the interviewer again for seeing you. Offer to answer any
additionally questions that might have come up. Provide a working phone number even if it is in
the letterhead. Mention that you are looking forward to hearing from the interviewer.
Your name, title
Developed by the Center for Student Professional Development and the University Career Center
Thank You Letter Template is online at: