Instructions For Ohio Form Ft 1120fi - Ohio Corporation Franchise Tax Report - 2012 Page 3


Ohio Corporation Franchise Tax Instructions for
General Instructions and Information
Financial Institutions
The Ohio corporation franchise tax is an excise tax imposed on
Tax Year (Report Year) 2012
certain domestic and foreign corporations for the privilege of doing
Taxable Year Ending in 2011
business in Ohio, owning capital or property in Ohio, holding a
Ohio Form FT 1120FI
charter or certifi cate of compliance authorizing the corporation to
The 2012 franchise tax instructions that follow apply only to
do business in Ohio, or otherwise having nexus with Ohio during
fi nancial institutions (defi ned below). With the completion of
a calendar year. Unless otherwise exempt, those corporations to
the franchise tax phase-out in 2009, most corporations are not
which the franchise tax phase-out does not apply are subject to
subject to the franchise tax for tax years (report years) 2010 and
the franchise tax for each calendar year (tax year) for which on
thereafter. However, fi nancial institutions along with certain other
the fi rst day of January of that calendar year the corporation holds
corporations described in R.C. 5733.01(G) and 5751.01(E) are
an Ohio charter, does business in Ohio, owns or uses a part or all
an exception. Financial institutions must fi le Ohio form FT 1120FI.
of its capital or property in Ohio, holds a certifi cate of compliance
Other corporations remaining subject to the franchise tax must fi le
authorizing the corporation to do business in Ohio, or otherwise
Ohio form FT 1120, the instructions for which are in a separate fi le
has nexus with Ohio under the Constitution of the United States.
on our Web site.
The franchise tax is levied on the value of a corporation’s issued and
In our continuing effort to serve Ohio taxpayers in a cost-effective
outstanding shares of stock. The value of issued and outstanding
manner the Department of Taxation did not mail the 2012
shares of stock is determined from the books of the taxpayer
franchise tax instruction booklet or the 2012 franchise tax
as of the beginning of the taxpayer’s annual accounting period
forms. Instead, the franchise tax instructions and forms are
that includes the fi rst day of January of the tax year. See R.C.
available on the Department of Taxation’s Web site. In addition to
5733.056(B). Corporations remaining subject to the franchise tax
forms and instructions, our Web site has links to the Ohio Revised
after the phase-out, other than fi nancial institutions, must determine
Code, Administrative Code (tax commissioner rules), Department of
the value of their issued and outstanding shares of stock under both
Taxation information releases, and other information. We encourage
the net income base and the net worth base and pay the tax on the
you to become familiar with our Web site:
base that produces the greater tax. Financial institutions are not
subject to the tax on the net income base but are subject to the tax
on the net worth base at a higher rate than other taxpayers. Financial
institutions must fi le Ohio form FT 1120FI. Other corporations
Taxpayers not having Internet access can obtain forms and
remaining subject to the franchise tax must fi le Ohio form FT 1120.
printed instructions by calling us toll free at 1-800-282-1782.
Tax year. The calendar year in and for which the tax is paid is
A fi nancial institution is any of the following:
called the “tax year.” The tax year is also referred to as the “report
• A national bank organized and existing as a national bank
year.” The franchise tax for tax year 2012 is paid for the privilege of
association pursuant to the “National Bank Act,” 12 U.S.C. 21;
doing business in Ohio during the calendar year 2012.
• A federal savings association or federal savings bank that is
chartered under 12 U.S.C. 1464;
Taxable year. The accounting period on which the tax is based
• A bank, banking association, trust company, savings and loan
is called the “taxable year” and is defi ned as “. . . a period ending
association, savings bank or other banking institution that is
on the date immediately preceding the date of commencement of
incorporated or organized under the laws of any state;
the corporation’s annual accounting period that includes the fi rst day
• Any corporation organized under 12 U.S.C. 611 to 631;
of January of the tax year.” Generally, a corporation’s taxable year
• Any agency or branch of a foreign depository as defi ned in 12
for franchise tax purposes is the same as the corporation’s taxable
U.S.C. 3101;
year for federal income tax purposes. However, a corporation’s
• A company licensed as a small business investment company
franchise tax taxable year may consist of an aggregation of
under the “Small Business Investment Act of 1958,” 72 Stat. 689,
more than one federal taxable year and can exceed one year in
15 U.S.C. 661, as amended; or
length. The franchise tax for tax year 2012 is based upon the
• A company chartered under the “Farm Credit Act of 1933,” 48
taxpayer’s activity during its taxable year ending in 2011. See
Stat. 257, 12 U.S.C. 1131(d), as amended.
R.C. 5733.031(A), 5733.04(E) and general instruction #7. Unless
otherwise stated, all references are to the Ohio Revised Code (R.C).
Specifi cally excluded from the defi nition of a "fi nancial institution"
(and from the defi nition of a "dealer in intangibles") are insurance
1. Who Must File
companies, credit unions and corporations or institutions organized
Unless an exemption applies (see general instruction #2), a fi nancial
under the “Federal Farm Loan Act” and amendments thereto. In
institution is subject to the franchise tax for each calendar year
addition, for franchise tax purposes a production credit association
(tax year) that on the fi rst day of January of that calendar year the
is not a fi nancial institution.
corporation holds an Ohio charter, does business in Ohio, owns or
uses a part or all of its capital or property in Ohio, holds a certifi cate
Recent Legislation
of compliance authorizing the corporation to do business in Ohio,
or otherwise has nexus with Ohio under the Constitution of the
During calendar year 2011 the Ohio General Assembly enacted
United States.
no signifi cant legislation affecting the franchise tax.
Each fi nancial institution that is subject to the franchise tax must fi le
an Ohio corporation franchise tax report. Financial institutions must
Ohio Supreme Court
fi le Ohio form FT 1120FI; all other C corporations that remain subject
to the franchise tax after the phase-out must fi le Ohio form FT 1120.
During calendar year 2011 neither the Board of Tax Appeals nor
the courts issued any decisions that signifi cantly affect the Ohio
corporation franchise tax.
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