Form 4595 - Michigan Business Tax Renaissance Zone Credit Schedule - 2011 Page 3


Instructions for Form 4595
Michigan Business Tax (MBT) Renaissance Zone Credit Schedule
Fiscal Year Filers: See “Supplemental Instructions for Standard Fiscal MBT Filers” on page 145.
31 of the prior tax year are not eligible for this credit. Taxpayers
will be notified if a claimed credit is disallowed.
To allow eligible taxpayers to calculate and claim the
For more information on Renaissance Zones, contact
Renaissance Zone Credit. For standard taxpayers and financial
institutions, the credit is calculated on Form 4595 and then
(MEDC) at (517) 373-9808 or visit their Web site at
carried to the MBT Miscellaneous Nonrefundable Credits
For information on the
(Form 4573). Insurance companies will carry this credit to the
MBT credit, contact the Michigan Department of Treasury,
Miscellaneous Credits for Insurance Companies (Form 4596).
Customer Contact Division, MBT Unit, at (517) 636-6925.
NOTE: If a person is located and has business activity in
more than one Renaissance Zone, use a separate Form 4595 to
Special Instructions for Unitary Business Groups
calculate the credit for each Zone. For each line that requires
If the entity located and conducting business activity in the
Zone-specific data, enter data based only on business activity
Renaissance Zone is a member of a Unitary Business Group
in the Zone identified on line 2 of this copy of the form.
(UBG), the Renaissance Zone Credit must be calculated at
Fiscal Year Filers: See “Supplemental Instructions for
the member entity level. Calculation of the Renaissance Zone
Standard Fiscal MBT Filers” on page 145.
Credit should be done before elimination of intercompany
transactions, such as rent payments by the member claiming
Renaissance Zone Credit
this credit to another member of the UBG.
The Renaissance Zone Credit encourages businesses and
Include this form as part of the UBG’s combined annual return.
individuals to move into a designated Zone to help revitalize
If more than one member is eligible for this credit, complete
the area by providing a credit for businesses located and
one Form 4595 for each eligible member (or multiple forms for
conducting business activity within the Zone. The method of
a member that is located and has business activity in multiple
calculating the credit is different for businesses first locating
Zones) and include all of them as part of the UBG’s annual
and conducting business activity within the Renaissance Zone
return. If filing multiples of Form 4595, enter the total of line
before December 31, 2002, and those businesses first locating
25b for all members on Form 4573, line 14.
and conducting business activity within the Renaissance Zone
after December 30, 2002.
When this form refers to “taxpayer,” it is referring to the UBG
member completing this form.
To obtain the credit an otherwise qualified taxpayer must file
an MBT annual return. The credit is equal to the lesser of the
Line-by-Line Instructions
Lines not listed are explained on the form.
• The tax liability attributable to business activity conducted
within the Renaissance Zone in the tax year.
Name and Account Number: Enter name and account number
• 10 percent of adjusted services performed in the designated
as reported on page 1 of the annual return.
Renaissance Zone.
UBGs: Complete one form for each member for whom this
• For a taxpayer located and conducting business activity in
schedule applies (or multiple forms for a member that is located
the Renaissance Zone before December 31, 2002, the product
and has business activity in more than one Zone). Enter the
of the following:
Designated Member (DM) name in the Taxpayer Name field,
○ The Single Business Tax (SBT) Renaissance Zone
followed by the DM’s Federal Employer Identification Number
Credit claimed for the tax year ending in 2007.
(FEIN), and the specific member of the UBG for which this
form is filed, and its FEIN, on the line below. On the copy filed
○ The ratio of the taxpayer’s payroll in this State in the
to report the DM’s data (if applicable), enter the DM’s name
tax year divided by the taxpayer’s payroll in this State in
and account number on each line.
its SBT tax year ending in 2007.
○ The ratio of the taxpayer’s Renaissance Zone Business
Line 1: Enter the tax liability before the Renaissance Zone
Activity Factor for the tax year divided by the taxpayer’s
Renaissance Zone Business Activity Factor for its SBT tax
UBGs: This must be a pro forma tax liability of the member
year ending in 2007.
whose activity is represented on the form. See guidance on
The credit allowed continues through the tax year in which the
pro forma calculations in the “Supplemental Instructions for
Renaissance Zone designation expires and is nonrefundable.
Standard Members in UBGs” section in the MBT Forms and
Instructions for Standard Taxpayers (Form 4600).
Business activities relating to a casino, including operating
a parking lot, hotel, motel, or retail store, cannot be used to
Line 2: Enter the street address and parcel number of the
calculate this credit. Businesses delinquent in filing or paying
property. Enter the name of the Zone or Subzone in which the
Property Tax, SBT, MBT or City Income Tax as of December
property is included.


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