English Pronunciation Worksheet Page 12


a goat, a cone, a note, an overcoat, poached eggs on toast
an old coastal boat – Joan
Joan is combing her golden hair. Joe has a noble Roman nose.
Joe and Joan go for a stroll. Joe shows Joan his roses.
Joan won't go home alone, so Joe goes home with Joan.
a scowl
a cloud a cow
a scout
a plough
a rout
This owl has found a brown mouse on the ground.
A hound with a grouse in its mouth.
proud cowed
mountains and fountains
a round house
The loud shouts and howls of the crowd of louts from the town drown the
sound of the vows of the devout on the mound.
a phone a faun, a load a lord, a stoke
a stalker
John has bought his adoring daughter Joan a motor-boat with an outboard
coals curls, a joke a jerk, floating flirting
a hope
a hoop,
a roller
a ruler,
a goal a ghoul
a bow
a bow, a crone a crown,
a foal a fowl,
a cold figure a cowled figure
we conspire a spire a higher spire a fire a tyre some wire
a towel a tower
our shower in a flowery bower
Howard is a coward, says Brian.
Brian is a liar, says Howard. Brian glowers sourly at Howard
A seer a spear fear a deer a tear
a theatre A dreary peer sneers in the grand tier.
At the rear they hear the peer and jeer.
But here, clearly the cheers for the hero are fierce.
The wary hero (King Lear) is nearly in tears.
tear swear share despair various pairs of things to wear
Mary - Mary is scared of fairies in the dairy
Sarah - Sarah has fair hair.
Fair-haired Sarah stares warily at the hairy bear, glaring from his lair.


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