English Pronunciation Worksheet Page 13


Consonant Practice
a church an arch
a chubby child
a chair a watch-chain and
Charles scratching his itching chin.
Charles is a cheerful chicken-farmer
A poacher is watching Charles' chickens, choosing which to snatch.
He chucks at the chance of a choice chicken to chew for his lunch.
But the chuckle reaches Charles, who chases the poacher and catches him.
a jelly a juicy orange a large jug
gingerbread a jam-jar
Jones an
aged judge
a jolly jury
The aged judge urges the jury to be just but generous
a chick a jug
a chill
a huge treasure chest on a large Chinese junk
Joe plays Jazz - Richard plays chess
a finger
a fly a face
a knife
half a loaf
four friends
fifteen ruffians
The rough tough ruffians make fierce faces to frighten the four friends
The friends fight off the ruffians
Four oafs fall flat on the floor, and the rest flee in fear
a stove a vest
seven devils
a village vicar
Victor, Vivian, Eve, Vivienne, every evening
Victor and Vivian are rivals. Both vow to love Eve forever.
But Eve is very vain, Vivienne is vivacious and full of verve.
Eventually, Victor gives Eve up and goes over to Vivienne, leaving Eve to
3 3
3333 333333
Arthur Smith, a thick-set, healthy athlete sees three thieves throw a thong round
Thea's throat and threaten to throttle her. He throws one thug to earth with a
thud that shakes his teeth. Both the other thieves run off with a filthy oath. Thea
thanks Arthur for thrashing the three thugs.


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