Communicating With Parents / Guardians Page 7


Consider that parents are interested in knowing m ore about the following areas:
W hat are the school goals?
W hat are the teachers' goals?
W hat is the child learning?
How is the child being taught?
W hat attendance and hom ework policies are in place?
W hat courses and extracurricular activities are available?
W hat is new, or being changed at the school and why?
M eet the Teacher Night/Curriculum Night
The first form al introduction to parents will usually be in the form of som e sort of 'Meet the
Teacher" activity. This m ay have different nam es, but usually it is a tim e to introduce yourself
and/or your curriculum .
About Parents - You will want to talk to colleagues and your adm inistration to find out what
parents expect from this session. You should also seek inform ation regarding the
dem ography of the parent population. Ask parents to identify two or three concerns before
they attend the function. Treat parents as partners in the learning process.
About You - As a first-year teacher, m any parents will be com ing to "check you out". Be
prepared to instil confidence regarding your instructional abilities. Talk about your relevant
experiences. Let your enthusiasm show!
About Your Classroom - You m ight consider discussing the following: rules and operating
procedures, the subject(s) and goals of the curriculum , expectations or students and
instructional m aterials.
Your Presentation - You will want to be well prepared for this session. Som e of the
following techniques m ay be helpful: handouts of curriculum , grading procedures,
hom ework criteria, etc; use of overheads; sam ple lesson; outline of what you are going to
address (watch your timing to be sure you hit all relevant points).
W orking Together - This is a good opportunity for you to identify how hom e and school can
work together. Inform parents of when, where and how you can be reached and discuss
how parents can best support their child's learning out of school.
Cautionary Notes - Don't let one parent monopolize the discussion or sidetrack you; have a
conference sign-up sheet available; don't get caught in a student conference situation - this
is not the intent of the session.
From: Beginning Teachers' Handbook 2000 by the Alberta Teachers' Association.
New Teacher Induction Program - 2011
Page 96


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