Appraisal Review Checklist


Appraisal Review Checklist
Conventional Conforming Transactions
Borrower Name
CMC Loan #
Property Address
Loan File Identification
Instructions Checklist
Pre-Review Requirements
Subject – Appraisal Section
Contract – Appraisal Section
Neighborhood – Appraisal Section
Site – Appraisal Section
Improvements – Appraisal Section
Sales Comparison Approach – Appraisal Section
Reconciliation – Appraisal Section
Additional Comments – Appraisal Section
Cost Approach – Appraisal Section
Income Approach – Appraisal Section
PUD Information – Appraisal Section
Appraisal Addenda/Other – Appraisal Section
Preparer Information
Is the appraiser included on the specific investor’s “Exclusionary” list?
Review/apply the requirements in the applicable
“Investor DU/LP Overlay Matrix” on the
page on the CMC Intranet, and
Review/apply the investor’s guidelines.
Is there a DU Underwriting Findings “Red Flag Message” related to
Review/apply the
Conventional Loan Standards
“Excessive Value” or “Rapid Appreciation”? OR
(CLS), and
Is there an LP Feedback Certificate HVE “Y3” or “Y6” message?
Review/apply the requirements in the applicable
“Investor DU/LP Overlay Matrices” and investor
guidelines, and
Apply the more restrictive of the requirements in the
CLS or the investor’s guidelines.
Review/apply the
Conventional Loan Standards
Were all CMC appraisal-related requirements met?
Review/apply the requirements in the applicable
Were all investor specific appraisal-related requirements met?
“Investor DU/LP Overlay Matrix,” and
Review/apply the investor’s guidelines.
Review/apply the DU Underwriting Findings or the LP
Was the correct appraisal form used? Appraisal Form #:
Feedback Certificate appraisal/inspection report
Was the UAD version used, if the appraisal form is listed below?
Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (Fannie Mae Form
1004/Freddie Mac Form 70)
Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report (Fannie Mae Form
1073/Freddie Mac Form 465)
Exterior-Only Inspection Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal
Report (Fannie Mae Form 1075/Freddie Mac Form 466)
Exterior-Only Inspection Residential Appraisal Report (Fannie
Mae/Freddie Mac Form 2055)
(Revised 8/17/2011)
Review the UCDP “Submission Summary Report” (SSR)
Were all UCDP requirements met?
and “Compliance Findings Report” (CFR). If any of the
(Added 8/17/2011)
following items are included in the SSR or CFR, refer to
Step 6 in the
UCDP Portal Submission & UW
Fatal Errors
Basic Appraisal Edits
UAD Warning Messages
Appraisal Review Checklist
Page 1
August 17, 2011


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