Instructions for Form ST-30
Consolidated filers
How to register and
All filers
apply for a Minnesota
If you are a consolidated filer, you can
Complete this form if you need to
also use this form to change the name
change or correct the name or address
ID number
or address of individual locations or
of your business, or if you wish to
To register by phone, or to obtain an
cancel the sales tax permit for a
cancel your sales tax permit.
Application for Business Registration, call
location. Be sure to fill in the location
Name or address changes or
(612) 282-5225 or 1-800-657-3605,
number(s) at the top of the form for
corrections. Use this form only if
weekdays between 7:30 a.m. and
each location affected by the change.
4:30 p.m.
the name or address changes are not a
You will find numbers for each
result of a legal change in ownership.
location in the top right-hand corner of
Hearing, speech or visually impaired?
each location’s sales and use tax
Cancelling your sales tax permit.
TDD users may register by contacting
the department through the Minnesota
If you sell your business or discon-
Relay Service. Call (612) 297-5353 or
tinue doing business, use this form to
Do not use this form if you want to
1-800-627-3529; ask for (612) 282-5225.
cancel your sales and use tax permit.
add a location. You must register the
Information will be made available in
new location. Read “How to register
You must file all sales and use tax
an alternative format upon request
and apply for a Minnesota ID number.”
returns for reporting periods before
(such as Braille, large print or audio-
you close your business, even if you
Changes in ownership
made no sales or purchases during the
reporting period.
Do not use this form to report changes
in the legal organization of your
If you have a withholding account that
business; for example, a sole propri-
should also be cancelled, we will do
etorship becoming a partnership or
that if you check “Yes” to that ques-
corporation, or cases when a
tion and fill in the effective date of the
50 percent change occurs in the
ownership of a partnership. In these
cases, you must apply for a new
Minnesota tax ID number. Read
“How to register and apply for a
Minnesota ID number.”
If you sell your business, the new
owner must apply for a new Minne-
sota tax ID number .