Monthly Workout Log Page 6


Join me on the Jamie Eason LiveFit Program
MyFitnessPal / Twitter / ClaudineKidson
Day 5:
Today is a day of rest, so take it for yourself! Recover, reflect, and relax.
Today is a day of rest. enjoy: you’ve earned it!
you might be a little sore from yesterday’s workout, but you shouldn’t have any trouble picking up the kids or hefting heavy gro-
if your muscles ache, don’t grow discouraged. in fact, you should be proud! your body is adjusting to your new lifestyle and re-
sponding to the challenge. a little soreness means you’re making progress. it’s natural, and it’s why we rest.
on your non-workout days, we’ll cover nutrition in more detail down the road. For now, make sure you:
- Drink at least 64 oz. of water
- Take your multivitamin with a meal.
- Don’t forget to take your tablespoon of flax or fish oil.
What now? There’s a long way to go, so take today for yourself. Recover, reflect on everything you’ve accomplished, and desig-
nate some time to relax.
Day 6:
Keep an eye out for positive changes!
Today’s another rest day, so you can relax and let your body cool down.
Even though we’re in the first week of your life-changing transformation, keep an eye out for positive changes! Maybe your body
fat hasn’t budged, but your energy and attitude should be on the rise.
Keep yourself motivated by thinking about the end of the week. you’ll look great, feel better and be incredibly empowered.
This is it, the last day of the first week of your lifetime transformation. Pat yourself on the back!
Day 7:
This is it, the last day of the first week of your lifetime transformation. Pat yourself on the back! You’re on your way to becoming the
best you possible.
you should still be eating every few hours to keep your body fueled with sustained energy.
if your body knows it’s going to be fed frequently, it will start releasing fat instead of storing it for future energy.
Keeping your body properly fueled can help keep your blood sugar levels stable, your mind alert and your body energized.
we’ve got chest and triceps tomorrow, so aim to get 8 hours of sleep tonight.


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