Michigan Sales, Use, And Withholding Tax Forms And Instructions Page 4


• Buy goods from out-of-state, unlicensed vendors, unless a
What Form to File and Filing Instructions
valid exemption can be claimed;
With this booklet you received the following forms personalized
• Buy inventory exempt from tax for resale on which no tax is
with your business name and account number: monthly (or
due, then remove items from that inventory for personal or
quarterly) returns, an annual return, a notice of change in your
business use; or
business status, and discount vouchers (for sales and use tax
• Use the items you buy for resale as gifts for friends and
fi lers only). Some forms may not apply to you.
family or for other personal uses.
To prepare your return accurately, complete your worksheet
Income Tax Withholding
before attempting to complete your return. Each item on the
return corresponds to a line number on the worksheet.
You must register and pay income tax withholding if you:
Enter your amounts carefully and completely in the boxes
• Pay wages to an employee; or
provided. Do not write any messages, credit amounts, or
• Withhold income tax amounts from other kinds of payments
symbols (+, -, ( ) ) on the returns or vouchers; returns are
(e.g., lottery winnings, insurance payments, retirement income,
processed by automated equipment. Instead, use Form 163 or
etc.); or
write to Treasury.
• Pay pension, annuity, or other retirement benefi ts that will
Use Form 160 if you are paying all the taxes due at one time
be subject to income tax.
either on the 12th or the 20th. If you are paying only part of
If you are self-employed and expect your annual tax due to be
your tax, use Form 161. Form 161 is a payment form only and
more than $500, you must report and pay income tax quarterly
does not replace the return. A return is still required even if no
using Michigan Estimated Individual Income Tax Voucher
tax is due.
(MI-1040ES). Otherwise, you may pay your income tax on
Complete the form and carefully detach it. Make sure you
Michigan Individual Income Tax Return (MI-1040).
are sending the form for the correct fi ling period. Make
For complete withholding information, see 2013 Michigan
your check payable to the “State of Michigan” and write
Income Tax Withholding Guide (Form 446).
“SUW” and your account number on your check. Do not fold
your check or the form. Mail the form and check to the address
Flow-Through Withholding
printed on the bottom of your return or voucher.
Effective January 1, 2012, all fl ow-through withholding tax
Combined Return for Michigan Taxes (Form 160)
collected must be reported and paid using the Michigan Flow-
Through Withholding
Quarterly Return (Form 4917), and
Monthly and quarterly fi lers not registered to pay by EFT must
annually reconciled on the Michigan Annual Flow-Through
use this return. (Annual fi lers and EFT fi lers do not use this
Withholding Reconciliation Return (Form 4918). No fl ow-
return.) You are required to fi le even if no tax is due.
through Withholding should be reported on, or paid with,
The return and payment are due on or before the 20th of the
Forms 160 & 165.
month following the tax period (month or quarter). If the 20th
The individual fl ow-through withholding rate is 4.25 percent.
falls on a holiday or weekend, the due date is the fi rst business
You must register and pay individual fl ow-through withholding
day following the weekend or holiday.
if you:
Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Estimates. If paying quarterly,
• Are a fl ow-through entity, S-corporation, partnership,
CIT estimates are due on the 15th of the month following the
limited partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited
end of the quarter. If fi ling CIT monthly using Form 160 or
liability corporation with taxable income available for
paying by EFT, monthly payments may be fi led on the 20th day
distribution to nonresident members, non-resident shareholders,
of the month. For example, a calendar year taxpayer may fi le
or non-resident partners. Refer to Treasury’s Web site for more
monthly CIT estimates using Form 160 on February 20, March
20, and April 20 rather than a single quarterly payment on
April 15 provided the combined estimates for those months are
• Are a fl ow-through entity and one or more of the entity’s
calculated using the instructions provided.
members is a nonresident fl ow-through entity. The fl ow-
through entity in Michigan shall withhold Michigan income tax
Filing Instructions
from any such nonresident fl ow-through entity on behalf of all
When you fi le the paper return, complete only one form and
of the nonresident members.
write a single check for the total sales, use, withholding taxes,
The corporate fl ow-through withholding rate is 6 percent. You
and CIT due using the instructions below:
must register and pay corporate fl ow-through withholding if you:
Sales Tax. Enter amount from worksheet line 10B.
• Are a fl ow-through entity, S-corporation, partnership, limited
Sales Tax Discount. Enter amount from worksheet line 11B.
partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability
Be sure to include any discount you may have taken if you fi led
corporation with greater than $200,000 business income
a voucher by the 12th.
available for distribution to a corporate owner or another fl ow-
through entity.
Use Tax (sales/rentals). Enter amount from worksheet line
Additional information, form access, and updates on the tax
changes for 2013 are available at


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