Grade 1 Curriculum Tracking Template Page 10


Grade 1 Ontario Curriculum Tracking Template - Grade 1 Math
Specific Expectations
Geometric Properties
By the end of Grade 1, students will:
– identify and describe common twodimensional shapes (e.g., circles, triangles, rectangles, squares) and sort and classify
them by their attributes (e.g., colour; size; texture; number of sides), using concrete materials and pictorial representations
(e.g.,“I put all the triangles in one group. Some are long and skinny, and some are short and fat, but they all have three sides.”);
– trace and identify the two-dimensional faces of three-dimensional figures, using concrete models (e.g.,“I can see squares
on the cube.”);
– identify and describe common threedimensional figures (e.g., cubes, cones, cylinders, spheres, rectangular prisms) and
sort and classify them by their attributes (e.g., colour; size; texture; number and shape of faces), using concrete materials
and pictorial representations (e.g.,“I put the cones and the cylinders in the same group because they all have circles on
– describe similarities and differences between an everyday object and a threedimensional figure (e.g.,“A water bottle
looks like a cylinder, except the bottle gets thinner at the top.”);
– locate shapes in the environment that have symmetry, and describe the symmetry.
Geometric Relationships
By the end of Grade 1, students will:
– compose patterns, pictures, and designs, using common two-dimensional shapes (Sample problem: Create a picture of a
flower using pattern blocks.);
– identify and describe shapes within other shapes (e.g., shapes within a geometric design);
– build three-dimensional structures using concrete materials, and describe the twodimensional shapes the structures contain;
– cover outline puzzles with two-dimensional shapes (e.g., pattern blocks, tangrams) (Sample problem: Fill in the outline of
a boat with tangram pieces.).
Location and Movement
By the end of Grade 1, students will:
– describe the relative locations of objects or people using positional language (e.g., over, under, above, below,
in front of, behind, inside, outside, beside, between, along);
* For the purposes of student learning in Grade 1, “attributes” refers to the various characteristics of twodimensional
shapes and three-dimensional figures, including geometric properties. (See glossary entries for
“attribute” and “property (geometric)”.) Students learn to distinguish attributes that are geometric properties
from attributes that are not geometric properties in Grade 2.
– describe the relative locations of objects on concrete maps created in the classroom (Sample problem:Work with your group
to create a map of the classroom in the sand table, using smaller objects to represent the classroom objects. Describe
where the teacher’s desk and the bookshelves are located.);
– create symmetrical designs and pictures, using concrete materials (e.g., pattern blocks, connecting cubes,
paper for folding), and describe the relative locations of the parts.
Grade 1: Patterning and Algebra
Overall Expectations
By the end of Grade 1, students will:
• identify, describe, extend, and create repeating patterns;
• demonstrate an understanding of the concept of equality, using concrete materials and addition and subtraction to 10.
Specific Expectations
Patterns and Relationships
By the end of Grade 1, students will:
– identify, describe, and extend, through investigation, geometric repeating patterns involving one attribute
(e.g., colour, size, shape, thickness, orientation);
– identify and extend, through investigation, numeric repeating patterns (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, …);


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