Multiplication Of Whole Numbers, Decimals, Squares And Square Roots Worksheet With Answers Page 14


hold them up one at a time. Call out a division
associated with that card, asking pupils to give the
Pupils should be able to divide 2-digit
answer. For example, ask: “What is twenty-one
numbers by 1-digit numbers, both with and
divided by three?” and the pupils answer “seven”.
Repeat for the other division (for example 21 ÷ 7).
without remainders. Check pupils’ answers to
Work through all the cards in this manner, keeping
Exercise 1.
the pace brisk.
Support activity
Shuffle the cards. Once again hold up each card
Often pupils who struggle with division do not
in turn, but this time obscure one of the bottom
know their division facts. In the short term,
numbers on each one. Ask pupils to write down or
provide these pupils with some sort of times
call out the missing number.
tables reference sheet so that they can look up
the relevant division facts. In the longer term,
Lesson focus
they will need to learn their times tables.
After working through the first worked example,
work through another two or three similar division
Homework activity
calculations on the board, in which there are no
Pupils are to complete questions 1. a)–j) on
remainders and the numbers divide easily when
page 28 of the WB.
partitioned into hundreds, tens and units. You
could include one example that involves dividing
zero, to remind pupils that zero divided by any
Lesson 2
Pupil’s Book pages 103 and 104;
number always is zero. With each new example,
Workbook page 28
ask pupils to do more and more of the work. For
the final example you could ask them to close
their PB so that they cannot refer to the worked
You will need to have:
example. Don’t forget to include the final stage
The times table triangle cards (from Unit 13).
in every calculation: checking the quotient using
Starter activity
Revise multiplying numbers by 10 and how the
Next, work through the second worked example in
decimal point moves one place to the right. Then
the PB (division with remainders) and give pupils
show pupils how with division the decimal moves
practice performing a few more similar calculations.
one place to the left. You could also use the times
table triangle cards again.
Exercise 1
Lesson focus
1. a) 7; b) 7; c) 22; d) 49; e) 23; f ) 12; g) 43;
Division of 3-digit numbers is exactly the same as
h) 13
covered in the previous lesson, it is just the division
2. a) 15 rem 5; b) 23; c) 6 rem 5; d) 9 rem 1;
table that gets longer.
e) 7 rem 5; f ) 13 rem 1
The Challenge activity is suitable for all pupils.
3. a) 6 boxes (5 full, 1 with 4 eggs); b) 7 kg
1. a) 11; b) 13; c) 3; d) 3 rem 1; e) 13 rem 3;
Exercise 2
f ) 9 rem 2; g) 4 rem 3; h) 2 rem 6; i) 3 rem 15;
j) 2 rem 19
1. a) 152; b) 26; c) 109; d) 145; e) 117; f ) 227;
g) 264; h) 90
Unit 16: Dividing whole numbers


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