Sample Practice Plan
Below is a sample time line for each week. This is a guide for you to use, some drills
may take longer or shorter amounts of time, so plan accord accordingly.
The more you can have players
Week 1
Parent Meeting
Goals and Philosophies
Hand out schedules and parent information
Warm-up lap and stretching
Toss/catch (passing drill)
Focus on form
Players go into pairs. One player will make a toss to the other player who will
catch the ball and then toss it back to the first player. This is a great drill to
make sure players are using good form and are under control with the ball
Toss/pass (passing drill)
One player will make a toss to the other player who will pass the ball back to
the first player (who will catch it). This is a controlled drill to focus on the
passers form.
Toss/pass/over (passing drill)
Tosser by the net – passer at the 10’ line
player on the opposite 10’line
Pass over the net to a 3
Rotate every 3 minutes
Serving progression
Demonstrate and talk the players through the serving motion. Make sure they
understand the correct steps and arm movement.
Have the player’s pair up, one on each side of the net.
Start at the 10’ line – progress back after 2 straight successful serves
Have the players work on controlling the serve, the player’s should not have
to run around to retrieve the ball after it has been served.
Serve receive drill
Set the defense up to receive the serve from a player. Have them work on
communication and getting 3 hits on their side before sending the ball back
over the net.
Wrap-up – ending instructions
Practice ends