Tourism Marketing Manager Job Description
Goal: Tourism/Marketing Director will be responsible for executing the Marketing
Plan of Nevada County. This Manager will facilitate an active relationship with
hotels/restaurants & attractions in the Nevada County area. Work involves
marketing Nevada County to stimulate economic development and promote
tourism. Meets monthly with a tourism advisory committee and reports directly to
the Executive Director of the Economic Resource Council.
Tasks to be performed include, but are not limited to:
• Work with the Tourism Advisory Committee, established by the ERC, to
develop strategies, programs, and policies to promote tourism.
• Develop and implement a tourism marketing plan for Nevada County
working closely with hotels/motels, restaurants, wineries & county
• Maintain tourism budget
• Oversee creative message development
• Organize various media information and make affordable and effective
media buys to promote tourism in Nevada County
• Oversee design/printing of marketing publications
• Plan new research-based advertising strategies for current and
subsequent years that will increase leisure travel market share.
• Develop relationships with national, international and regional tourism
based publications and writers, tours operators and travel agents.
• Prepare and release press kit to media; build campaigns and stories for
unique selling points
• Design, develop and conduct familiarization tours of Nevada County for
media, event planning, tour operators and travel agents.
• Implement cooperative advertising programs integrating the tourism
related segments that exist in Nevada County (merchants, food/lodging,
wineries, the Arts, recreation, state parks and the fairground)
• Promote attractions & community events to visitors
• Contribute to and monitor the flow of new web content. Coordinate with
the web maintenance provider to create a bi-monthly report on the
effectiveness of the website.
• Provide education program for hotel/motel personnel on attractions/events
in Nevada County
• Gather data and prepare annual tourism situational analysis for the
Nevada County Tourism Committee, the Board of Supervisors and
Chambers and Downtown Associations
• Participate in radio talk shows; provide current and updated information to
the press.
• Represent the County in joint planning sessions to establish regional
tourism activities; serve local committees that enhance tourism and foster