Form CT-2210 Instructions
Box B: Check this box if your estimated tax payments were based on
Do not fi le this form unless:
the tax shown on your 2012 Connecticut income tax return and your
• You checked one of the boxes in Part I; or
fi ling status changed from last year. See Changes in Filing Status in
• You wish to calculate and pay the interest you owe with your return.
Part II, Line 5.
If you do not fi le this form, the Department of Revenue Services (DRS)
Box C: Check this box if you want income tax withheld in 2013 to
will calculate interest on any underpayment of estimated tax you owe
be applied when it was actually withheld rather than in four equal
and send you a bill. The interest on the underpayment of estimated
installments. See instructions for Part III, Line 11 and Line 13.
tax will stop accruing on the earlier of the date you pay your total tax
liability or April 15, 2014.
Box D: Check this box if you are a farmer or fi sherman and:
• You are required to make only one installment of estimated
When My Payments Are Due: In general, four equal installments of
estimated tax are required on April 15, June 15, September 15, and
Connecticut income tax; or
January 15. Fiscal year fi lers should follow federal fi ling dates. If the
• You have fi led your tax return for the taxable year on or before
due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the next business
March 1, 2014, and have paid the amount computed on the return
day is the due date.
as payable for the taxable year. Stop here and do not complete
Part II and Part III.
Estates and certain trusts are required to make estimated income tax
payments as stated above for any taxable year ending two or more
Attach Form CT-2210 to your Connecticut income tax return and
years after the date of the decedent’s death. For additional information
check the box for Form CT-2210 on the front of Form CT-1040 or
on when certain trusts are required to make estimated income tax
payments, see IRC §§671 through 679.
Box E: Check this box if you were a part-year resident or nonresident
Special Rules for Farmers and Fishermen: If you are a farmer or
of Connecticut during the 2012 taxable year, did not have Connecticut-
fi sherman, as defi ned in IRC §6654(i)(2), your required annual payment
sourced income, and were not required to fi le a Connecticut income
is the lesser of:
tax return. If you check Box E, you must use 90% of your 2013 income
• 66
% of the income tax shown on your 2013 Connecticut income
tax as your required annual payment.
tax return; or
Box F: Check this box if you were a Connecticut resident during the
• 100% of the income tax shown on your 2012 Connecticut income tax
entire 2012 taxable year and you did not fi le a 2012 Connecticut income
return, if you fi led a 2012 income tax return that covered a 12-month
tax return because you did not have a Connecticut income tax liability.
Box G: Check this box if you were a part-year resident or nonresident
Farmers and fi shermen are required to make only one installment
of Connecticut during the 2012 taxable year and you had Connecticut-
of estimated income tax for the taxable year. If you are a farmer or
sourced income in 2012, but you did not fi le a 2012 Connecticut income
fi sherman, you must do one of the following:
tax return because you did not have a Connecticut income tax liability.
• Pay the required installment on or before January 15, 2014; or
See the instruction booklet for Form CT-1040 or Form CT-1040NR/PY for
• File your 2013 Connecticut income tax return on or before
fi ling requirements and the gross income test. The instructions for Form
March 1, 2014, and pay the full amount computed on the return. In
CT-1040NR/PY also list examples of Connecticut-sourced income.
this case, do not make an estimated income tax payment for 2013.
Part II: Required Annual Payment
See the instructions for Box D.
Line 1: Enter the amount of income tax shown on your 2013 Connecticut
Part I: Reasons for Filing
income tax return (Form CT-1040, Line 14; Form CT-1040NR/PY,
Complete Part I only if one of the following boxes applies to you. By
Line 16; or Form CT-1041, Line 9). Do not subtract estimated payments
checking the box that applies to you, you may be able to reduce or
or Connecticut tax withheld in 2013.
eliminate interest charges that would otherwise accrue if we calculated
Line 2: Farmers and fi shermen multiply Line 1 by 66
the interest for you under the normal requirements for making estimated
tax payments. If you checked any of the boxes in Part I, also be
Line 3: Enter Connecticut income tax withheld in 2013. Do not enter
sure to check the box for Form CT-2210 on the front page of your
any estimated tax payments or taxes withheld for the Internal Revenue
Form CT-1040, Form CT-1041, or Form CT-1040NR/PY.
Service (IRS) or other jurisdictions.
You may only use 100% of your 2012 Connecticut income tax to
Line 5: If your fi ling status was the same on your 2012 and 2013
calculate your required annual payment if:
Connecticut income tax returns and your 2012 Connecticut income
• You fi led a 2012 Connecticut income tax return that covered a
tax return covered a 12-month period, enter 100% of the income tax
12-month period; or
shown on your 2012 Connecticut income tax return (Form CT-1040,
• During the 2012 taxable year, you were a resident, part-year
Line 14, or Form CT-1040NR/PY, Line 16, CT-1041, Line 9).
resident, or nonresident with Connecticut-sourced income and you
If you did not fi le a 2012 Connecticut income tax return because you
did not fi le a 2012 Connecticut income tax return because you did
did not have a Connecticut income tax liability and you were a resident,
not have a Connecticut income tax liability. See Part II, Line 5, for
nonresident, or part-year resident in 2012 with Connecticut-sourced
instructions on calculating your required annual payment.
income, enter “0.”
Box A: Check this box if you are using the annualized income
If you were a Connecticut part-year resident or nonresident in 2012
installment method. If your income fl uctuated during the year, this
and you did not have Connecticut-sourced income during the 2012
method may reduce or eliminate the amount of one or more required
taxable year, leave Line 5 blank and enter the amount from Line 2 as
quarterly payments. See instructions for Schedule A.
your required annual payment on Line 6.
If you were a part-year resident who moved into Connecticut in 2013
Changes in Filing Status From 2012 to 2013: If you are fi ling a joint
and you cannot use the prior year tax liability as the basis of the required
Connecticut return for 2013 but fi led separate Connecticut returns
annual payment, you may benefi t by using the annualized installment
for 2012 as single, fi ling separately for federal and Connecticut, fi ling
method to report Connecticut-sourced income in the period(s) in which
separately for Connecticut only, or head of household, you must
it was earned.
Form CT-2210 Instructions (Rev. 01/14)
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