Form Ct-2210 - Underpayment Of Estimated Income Tax By Individuals, Trusts, And Estates - 2013 Page 7

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If you want Connecticut income tax withholding to apply when it was
Line 4: Resident individuals must compute the tax on the amount
actually withheld, skip Line 11 and Line 12 and go on to Line 13. Be
shown on Line 3 using the Tax Tables or the Tax Calculation
sure you also check Part I, Box C.
Line 13: If you want Connecticut income tax withholding to apply
Nonresidents and part-year resident individuals must use the
when it was actually withheld, enter the actual cumulative withholding
schedules and worksheets for Form CT-1040NR/PY to determine
amounts on Line 13.
Connecticut-sourced income. Nonresident trusts and estates and
part-year resident trusts must use the schedules and worksheets for
Example: If $600 was withheld in March, $200 in May, $200 in
Form CT-1041 to determine Connecticut-sourced income. To calculate
August, and $300 in November, enter $600 in Column A, $800 in
the tax, complete the worksheet below for each column.
Column B, $1,000 in Column C, and $1,300 in Column D.
a. Annualized income from Line 3 of this schedule
b. Annualized Connecticut-sourced income
Line 15: Enter in the appropriate columns all timely installment
payments you made. Timely installment payments are all payments
c. Enter the greater of Line a or Line b.
(other than any tax withheld) made on or before the estimated
d. Enter the tax due on Line c using the tax tables or the
payment due date(s) including any previous installment payments.
Tax Calculation Schedule.
Trusts and estates: Multiply Line c by 6.7% (.067).
Example: If estimated Connecticut income tax payments of $100
e. Divide Connecticut-sourced income for the period by
each were made on April 15, June 15, September 15, 2013, and
Connecticut adjusted gross income (Connecticut taxable
January 15, 2014, enter $100 in Column A, $200 in Column B,
income for trusts and estates) for the period. This is
$300 in Column C, and $400 in Column D.
your allocated Connecticut income tax percentage. If
Line b is greater than Line a, enter 1.0000.
f. Multiply Line d by Line e.
Schedule A
Enter here and on Schedule A, Line 4.
Annualized Income Installment
Line 5: The credit for tax paid to a qualifying jurisdiction is based wholly
General Instructions
or partly on the annualized income for each period.
You may benefi t from using the annualized income installment method
Line 7: You must annualize your adjusted federal alternative minimum
if your income varied throughout the year because you earned more
taxable income using the annualization amounts on Line 2. Use Form
money later in the year than you did in the early part of the year, such
CT-6251 as a guide.
as from lottery winnings, investment income, or self-employment
Line 9: Resident Individuals - Enter the credit for property taxes paid
on your primary residence, motor vehicle, or both, as calculated on
By using this method, you may be able to reduce or eliminate the
your 2013 Form CT-1040, Schedule 3.
amount of one or more required installments.
For information on fi ling estimated tax payments using the annualized
The credit may not exceed $300 and may be further reduced. Refer to
income installment method, see Informational Publication 2012(16),
Form CT-1040, Schedule 3, and instructions when calculating the credit.
A Guide to Calculating Your Annualized Estimated Income Tax
Line 11: The allowable Connecticut income tax credits from Schedule
Installments and Worksheet CT-1040AES. This publication is available
CT-IT Credit, Part I, Line 11, is based wholly or partly on the annualized
from the DRS website at
income for each period.
If you use the annualized income installment method for any installment
Lines 15 through 25: You must complete Lines 15 through 25 in one
due date, you must use this method for all installment due dates. Form
column before continuing to the next column.
CT-2210, Schedule A, automatically selects the smaller of the
annualized income installment or regular installment increased by the
amount saved by using the annualized income installment method in
Schedule B
computing earlier installments.
Interest Calculation
If you use the annualized income installment method, you are required
General Instructions
to complete all of the following steps:
Complete the worksheet for any period where an underpayment is
1. Check Box A on Form CT-2210, Part I;
shown on Form CT-2210, Part III, Line 16.
2 Enter the amounts from Schedule A, Lines 22 through 25 in the
appropriate columns on Form CT-2210, Part III, Line 10;
Example: If the underpayment is shown in Part III, Line 16,
3. Attach Form CT-2210 and Schedule A to your return;
Column A, complete Worksheet A. If no underpayment is shown
in Part III, Line 16, Column B, but an underpayment is shown in
4. Attach your calculations of your Connecticut adjusted gross income
Part III, Line 16, Column C, skip Worksheet B and complete
for each period; and
Worksheet C.
5. Check the box for Form CT-2210 on the front of your Connecticut
income tax return.
Interest at 1% per month or fraction of a month will continue to accrue
Line Instructions
until the earlier of April 15, 2014, or the date on which the underpayment
is paid. A month is measured from the sixteenth day of the fi rst month
Line 1: Attach a schedule showing how you computed your Connecticut
to the fi fteenth day of the next month. Any fraction of a month is
adjusted gross income for each period.
considered a whole month.
Trusts and estates must enter their Connecticut taxable income and use
Line Instructions
the following period ending dates: 2-28-2013, 4-30-2013, 7-31-2013, and
Before calculating your interest, list all estimated payments and
Connecticut tax withholding for 2013 on a separate sheet of paper.
Line 2: Trusts and estates do not use the amounts shown in Columns (a)
For Connecticut income tax withheld, you are considered to have paid
through (d). Instead, use 6, 3, 1.71429, and 1.09091, as the annualization
25% of this amount on each payment due date (4/15, 6/15, 9/15, and
1/15) unless you can show otherwise.
Form CT-2210 Instructions (Rev. 01/14)
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