(For typed letters sent via mail)
655 Providence Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43214
Make sure you are sending out your thank you letters
March 21, 2009
as soon as possible. This student is sending it the day
after his interview, which is a good idea.
Mr. Walter Borgen
Staff Assistant
General Mills Corporation
P.O. Box 1113
Minneapolis, MN 55440
Dear Mr. Borgen:
Thank you for taking the time to interview me for your Distribution Internship while you
were recruiting at the Fisher College of Business at Ohio State on March 20.
I enjoyed meeting you and talking about how my skills and abilities can
Notice that the
benefit General Mills. I also liked learning more about the specifics of your
student is
internship program.
reiterating his
skills and
I am very excited about your Distribution Internship program. As I stated in
experiences that
the interview, I feel my academic courses in Logistics Management will
he mentioned in
enable me to make a contribution to General Mills through this program.
his interview to
Additionally, as I mentioned in my interview, I am a student athlete
help the
participating on a traveling club baseball team, and this experience has
remember him.
taught me how to effectively manage my time to reach individual and team
goals. I am enclosing a copy of the syllabus for my Operations Design
course, which you requested during my interview.
I hope to hear from you the week of April 6 as you indicated in the interview. If
requested by
you should need any additional information or would need to contact me sooner,
the recruiter
please call me at (614) 555-0100 or email me at .
in your thank
you letter.
Again, thank you for your time and consideration.
Use your Buckeyemail or
another professional
Don’t forget to sign your thank you letter
email address.
before you mail it. Sign it in the space
between “Sincerely” and your name.
Shang Hu
General Format Notes
If you type your thank you letter, make sure you adjust the font size
or margins to fill up most of the page. This letter’s font is Tahoma,
12 point size.
When including an enclosed document with your letter, it is
acceptable to put “Enclosure” at the bottom of your thank you letter.