Public Administra on Majors
Public Works Planner
Steps for Using this Guide
County Township is seeking a highly motivated and well‐quali ied
1. Choose Your Position and Begin Tailoring
Planner to work in the Surface Water Management Division of Public
Review these three job postings and select the one
Works, focusing on controlling water pollution sources at
of most interest to you. Begin adjusting your
commercial properties. This position implements municipal storm
water NPDES regulations by providing technical assistance and
resume and cover letter drafts by evaluating the
recommending best management practices on watershed protection,
organization’s needs and wants from their
waste storage and disposal, and spill response. Using creativity and
teamwork, successful candidates will provide practical solutions to
job posting. Successful job seekers tailor their
reduce and eliminate wastes. You'll protect critical water resources
documents to highlight the quali ications and
by advising local county businesses on techniques to control sources
of water pollution.
experiences sought by the organization.
Successful candidates will possess strong communication and
2. Draft Your Resume and Cover Letter
interpersonal skills to convey technical information to business
Review the cover letter and resume samples to
owners, encouraging better practices. They must have high
emotional intelligence and have the ability to relate to a wide variety
begin drafting yours.
of people and business sectors. With skills in persuasion, con lict
resolution, and negotiation they will generate voluntary code
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compliance from businesses and commercial property owners . Core
Have your documents reviewed by a CDC staff
responsibilities include; evaluate pollution generating commercial
sites, develop business outreach and education strategies, track
member, receiving feedback in‐person, during
existing land uses and business sector types, manage a business
Quick‐Question/Walk‐In Hours Mon‐Fri 2‐4pm.
inventory database, analyze ield data results, develop programmatic
targets and goals, evaluate and plan program strategies.
Economic Development Policy Advisor
Legislative and Policy Assistant Director
Seeking an economic development advisor deeply committed to
Oversees all state legislative efforts with the Director; leading
the success of the county and is a strategic, big‐picture thinker.
innovative statewide political, legislative, and/or regulatory
The ideal candidate will have a passion for public service and will
efforts to advance social justice and improve health and
lead by example to gain the con idence of regional partners in
long‐term care.
economic development. Responsibilities include developing
strategy and actions for Tree County government’s role in regional
Daily responsibilities include planning, organizing, and directing
economic and workforce development that align with the County’s
key strategies to achieve state legislative goals, including
goals to build equity and opportunity, confront climate change,
directing work of lobbying team, working with coalition partners,
and become the best run government. Promote collaboration on
and collaborating with ield and communications staff to ensure
regional approaches to economic and workforce development
robust grassroots member engagement. Strategic planning and
through positive and proactive relationships with representatives
oversight of union staff and member involvement regarding
of area economic development agencies, business and industry
political campaigns; including routine communication with
associations and institutions, workforce development
members about importance of elections. Leading, mentoring and
organizations, and state and local jurisdictions. Promote a focus
offering critical guidance to department staff including a Senior
on outcomes that are speci ic and measureable. Represent the
Health Care Campaign Coordinator, a Legislative Coordinator, two
County and County Executive on economic and workforce
experienced contract lobbyists and project‐based consultants.
development boards, industry associations, and with the business
community. Work with members of Executive’s leadership team,
policy team, and department directors and staff to leverage Tree
County’s services and investments in support of achieving
economic development objectives.
113 Stra on Administra on Center • • 610‐683‐4067
• Offie Hours: M‐F 8‐4:30 (Quick Ques on/Walk‐In Hours: 2‐4)