Cover Le er Sample
Forma ng Tips:
In the opening paragraph, catch the
January 20, 20xx
reader’s a en on with a strong first
BEFORE YOU START wri ng, review the internship/
sentence. Be sure to include:
(4 blank lines)
job pos ng to determine the needs and requirements
of the posi on or program for which you are
The posi on or program for which you
applying. In your le er, make every effort to show
are applying.
Ms. Laura Mellner
the connec ons between your qualifica ons and
Execu ve Director
How you heard about the posi on.
Northeast Youth Programs
their requirements/needs.
01010 Norway Drive
Why are you interested in this
Philadelphia, PA 19114
posi on, program or organiza on.
(1 blank line)
Dear Ms. Mellner:
(1 blank line)
As a senior English/professional wri ng major gradua ng this May from Kutztown University, I was very excited to find your
Marke ng, PR and Community Outreach Specialist pos ng on KU Career Network. I grew up in Philadelphia and am familiar with
Northeast Youth Programs and the extraordinary service it provides to youth and families in Delaware County.
(1 blank line)
In the second paragraph
You will note on my enclosed resume, I have experience in various areas of public rela ons and marke ng.
(and possibly the third),
My public rela ons internship with the American Red Cross of Delaware County provided me with the
opportunity to work closely with a Board of Directors in a non‐profit se ng. I also worked daily with the
director to plan, market, and execute the agency’s largest fundraiser of the year: a benefit dance which
How your skill,
raised over $30,000. My du es included wri ng press releases and ar cles for the monthly newsle er,
knowledge, and/or
upda ng content on the agency website, solici ng dona ons from area businesses, maintaining a guest
experience relate to the
and donor list in Microso Access, and communica ng with vendors. Planning an event of this magnitude
posi on requirements or
requires the ability to mul task, as well as excellent communica on skills, close a en on to detail, and the
qualifica ons.
ability to work both independently and as part of a team. In addi on to this internship, I had the privilege
What you can contribute
to serve as my sorority’s Community Outreach Chair where I communicated and worked with both campus
to the organiza on and
and community residents to organize volunteer ac vi es for my chapter. I coordinated a small team of
how you can help them
volunteers who organized a fundraising project ne ng over $5,000 for a charity; the experience of
meet their goals or
crea ng both on‐line and in‐print campaigns further strengthened my public rela on skills.
support their mission.
(1 blank
I am very excited about the possibility of working at Northeast Youth Programs and would appreciate the
opportunity to meet with you to discuss my creden als. Please let me know if you need addi onal
informa on or wri ng samples. I am available for an interview at your convenience. Thank you for your
Focus on keywords from
me and considera on.
the job pos ng in the
(1 blank
second paragraph, (ex:
communica on, website.
Marke ng materials,
In the closing paragraph, reiterate your interest
press releases,
(4 blank lines for signature)
in the posi on or organiza on.
fundraising, outreach).
Anita Jobb
Make a request for an interview.
123 Main Street
Thank the reader for his/her considera on.
Coopersburg, PA 18036
(2 blank
Include your contact informa on with the
closing under your name.
Type the word in Enclosure to indicate
you have included your resume.