Carbohydrate Counting Page 41


Basal-Bolus Insulin and Carbohydrate Counting
Be a diabetes detective!
For 3 to 5 days (in a row), write down these
in your “Food and Diabetes Log Book”.
1. What you eat and drink and the time of day:
• Be sure to note the portion sizes. You may need to use
measuring cups and food scales to be accurate.
• Record the grams of carbohydrate in all your foods and drinks.
2. Your insulin doses:
• Write down each time you take insulin (meal and correction)
and include the dose.
3. Your blood sugar levels:
• Test your blood sugar levels at least 4 times per day (before
each meal and at bedtime).
• If you are worried about low blood sugar levels at night,
you may want to check your blood sugar at 3 am.
• Use this section to include details about your activity
(what, when, how long), level of stress, illness or eating out.
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